版本 : 1.4c
2003 年 1 月 15 日
- dos: arjzip-preview rejected except in f12-menu (eg. not editfile,assfile,etc)
- cartloader: saves old battery/eeprom data to .SAV instead newname
- cartloader: deallocates old ROM and saves SAV (thanks matt, also snaploader)
- dos: sound engine initial sampbufhead=10 (instead =2) avoids DMA overrun noise
- debug: f8-key: run until current subroutine ends ( higher POP PC/BX LR)
- dos: sound emulation (sound blaster, pc speaker, covox/lpt, gravis ultrasound)
- dos: faked newint03 recovers old interrupt enable flag, added cpu detection
- dos: also hooks smooth 1024hz RTC timer INT70 (with realmode es:bx expire flg)
- debug: shows used GBA CPU time vs free HALT INTRWAIT time (regs/bar + f10/nn%)
- dos: no$gba.exe may be renamed, cpsr flags displayed, stack x-width adjusted