主题 : VisualBoyAdvance 1.8beta1 发布
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 160
精华: 0
发帖: 1809
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2635 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 6 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 2(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-25
最后登录: 2011-06-12
楼主  发表于: 2004-04-01 05:18

VisualBoyAdvance 1.8beta1 发布


Version 1.8.0:
Core changes:
- added SWI call (0xf9 in thumb mode) to exit emulator in SDL version
- avoid crash when loading an invalid ELF file
- avoid turning sound on if soundOffFlag is true
- disabled remove intros option
- fixed memory leak in ELF support code
- fixed memory corruption if loading a bigger file than the memory to hold it
- fixed some compile warnings in the profiling code
- merged some big endian fixes into the code
- update battery files more often (a bit after the save memory is last updated)

- added cartridge save strings to bug report
- changed default button on disassembly views to Go instead of Close
- changed power management/screen saver disabling code again to avoid problems
- fixed compilation problems on VC 7
- fixed multi-monitor support
- fixed bug loading memory dumps
- fixed crash onb map/oam/tile viewers
- fixed problem 320x240 mode open/save dialogs
- fixed bug where user selected Gameboy colors were reset and not stored
- fixed bug rendering the translator URL
- fixed memory leak in OpenGL code which caused nasty problems
- store throttle value between restarts of the emulator
- updated FAQ and URL links to the new site

级别: 模拟小生
UID: 664
精华: 0
发帖: 69
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2625 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 0(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-27
最后登录: 2024-08-06
沙发  发表于: 2004-04-01 08:43

级别: 论坛版主

UID: 62
精华: 35
发帖: 7703
威望: 83 星
金钱: 549 浮游币
贡献值: 11749 点
好评度: 13285 点
人气: 1271 点
在线时间: 1969(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-25
最后登录: 2025-03-08
板凳  发表于: 2004-04-01 08:54
