主题 : 【新闻】MAME 0.141u2
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UID: 6498
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楼主  发表于: 2011-02-10 08:10

【新闻】MAME 0.141u2



MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04225: [Sound] gangwars: Samples incorrectly played (Tafoid)
- 04221: [Misc.] chryangl: Incorrect sizes listed in source.
- 04215: [Graphics] quizf1: missing graphics in a startup screen
- 04214: [DIP/Input] grobda, motos, phozon: No directional controls
         available for second player (Tafoid)
- 04107: [Save/Restore] All sets in aristmk4.c: Unable to write save
         state (Fabio Priuli)
- 04202: [Sound] asteroid, llander and clones (+ others): Discrete sound
         missing/broken (Derrick Renaud)

Source Changes
arm7: Fix for "MOV LR, Rx" (where Rx bit 0 = 1) + "F800" situation.
This fixes the lockup in GBA "Golden Sun: The Lost Age".
[Tim Schuerewegen]

SSV: Hook up uPD96050 (ST-010) math/protection DSP [R. Belmont]

[mysticrib] added one opcode and fixed music and sound
[Roberto Zandona']

Fixed DISCRETE_WAVLOG & DISCRETE_RCFILTER fixing dkongjr and likely
other sounds. [Derrick Renaud]

intelfsh: Support flash ROMs that have a bankswitch command
[Tim Schuerewegen]

Fixed banking in daytona2 by adding a second aperture to CROM at
0xc3000000. A couple of CROMs checksum as bad, but most come out good.
[Aaron Giles]

A new WE DSP16A cpu disassembler.  [Andrew Gardner]

Added a preliminary Softlist support for Sega Megatech, that allows
multi-cart support. syntax is (similar to the MESS one)
mame megatech -cart1 mt_beast -cart2 mt_soni2 ... -cart8 mt_shar2
SMS games have issues when moving between games, so stick to only
a single SMS game for now or the z80 will crash. [David Haywood]

Fix missing sound channel in beezer; sound should now be more or less
correct, but the noise source still isn't accurate yet.
[Lord Nightmare]

Improved beezer volume DAC handling to be accurate to hardware.
[Lord Nightmare]

quizf1: added opcodes [Roberto Zandona']

C++-ified the sound and streams interfaces. Combined sound.c and
streams.c into one file, and separated the speaker device into its own
file. Generalized the concept of dynamically assigned inputs and
re-wired the speaker to work this way, so it is now treated just like
any other sound device. Added methods to the device_sound_interface
for controlling output gain and mapping device inputs/outputs to
stream inputs/outputs. Also made the sound_stream_update() method pure
virtual, so all modern sound devices must use the new mechanism for
stream updates. [Aaron Giles]

Clean up megatech.xml. [Fabio Priuli, David Haywood]

Clean up natural keyboard support. [Atari Ace]

Eliminated static/global variables in a number of Atari drivers by
moving them into a driver_device. [Atari Ace]

Fixed Metal Slug 6 ROM mirror, game is fully playable [Cah4e3]

Fix a bug in palette_normalize_range which caused color distortion.
The luminance normalization now converts r,g,b to y,u,v and normalizes
y prior to converting back to r,g,b. This affects e.g. radarscp, dkong
and mario drivers. [Couriersud]

Modernized the DSP32 core. [Aaron Giles]

Rewrote video routines and fixed partial updates in the Dottori Kun
driver [Angelo Salese]

Added all CPU and sound devices in emu folder to the MAME build.
[Curt Coder]

arm7: [Tim Schuerewegen]
- Improved LDM/STM unaligned word access in THUMB mode.
- Fixed LDM unaligned read in THUMB mode.

Imported the MC68901 device from MESS so it can be shared with
micro3d.c. [Curt Coder]

ksys573: Hook up part of the i2c communication with the mas3507d.
[O. Galibert]

Renamed bishjan.c to subsino2.c [Luca Elia]
* Implemented reel layer
* Fixed rogue tiles in xplan
* Hopper emulation in bishjan

m90: fixed line scroll [Roberto Zandona]

ARM7: Fix an LDM base register write-back bug. [Tim Schuerewegen]

Added correct LA revision levels to the Pigskin 621AD rom set as well
as including the date in the game titles of Arch Rivals and Pigskin
621AD sets. [The Dumping Union]

Fixed interrupt vector in F8 CPU core [Sandro Ronco]

namcops2: Added dumped key for Ridge Racer V RRV3 Ver. A [Guru]

Converted TMS3203X to a modern device. [Aaron Giles]

Removed redundant m_machine from the state and execute interfaces
to fix ambiguity when using m_machine from within a device that
inherits from these. [Aaron Giles]

beezer now uses correct mm5837 noise source (clock may be a bit off
though), and now has mm5837 properly hooked to audio via. May still be
some issues with intermittent noise updating which need fixing.
[Lord Nightmare]

Improvements to Magic's 10 driver. [Roberto Fresca]
* New inputs from the scratch for Music Sort.
* Complete DIP Switches and DIP locations for Music Sort.
* Added a new button-lamps layout for Music Sort.
* Created a default NVRAM that allow Music Sort work properly.

NetBSD support [Thomas Klausner]

pollux: fixed sprite flip x and y and removed old comments
[Roberto Zandona']

Converted attotime to a class, with proper operators. Removed old
global functions which are now superceded by the operators and methods
on the class. [Aaron Giles]

Eliminated global/static variables in a number of Taito/Irem drivers
by introducing/using driver_device classes. [Atari Ace]

Cleaned up shared implementation of CDi [David Haywood]
* merged MESS CDi driver file with the MAME CDi driver file (used for
* the cdimono1 system is now the parent / bios of Quizard, the Quizard
    games run on a retail CDi unit with Jamma adapter / dongle for
    protection so this is a logical step.

Replaced anonymous timers used in video/segaic16.c, drivers/segaorun.c
and drivers/segaxbd.c with allocated timers, making it possible to add
save state support to these drivers.  [Alex Jackson]

Updates to cave.c and toaplan2.c: [Alex Jackson]
* Added savestate support to all games in cave.c. Most of the work
    was already done by someone else; the blocker was a
    perpetually-running anonymous timer, which I converted to an
    allocated timer.
* Changed OKI sample banking to use device address maps instead of
    memcpy() in all cave.c games except the nmk112-based games. If
    someone wants to try to convert nmk112.c to use device address
    maps and bank pointers, be my guest--you'll need 8 banks of
    varying sizes per OKI chip...
* Fixed description of the Japanese Air Gallet set--the game's
    Japanese title is "Akuu Gallet".
* Made machine/nmk112.c actually restore its state properly. Also
    refactored it a little (if you can talk about refactoring a source
    file that almost fits on one screen)
* Fixed bgaregga's nmk112 interface to work with the refactored
* Removed excessive CPU interleaving from batsugun, left over from
    when I was initially hooking up the V25.
* Removed a useless printf and some obsolete comments, more leftovers
    from the process of hooking up the V25.

Added MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS to twincobr.c and wardner.c, correcting
their refresh rates.  [Alex Jackson]

Add basic LOAD function to the debugger to complement the existing
SAVE function. It allows you to load a binary file straight into
writeable memory.  The format is the same as the SAVE function with
the exception that the <length> can be handled differently.  [Pugsy]

68681 patch to fix dectalk's startup test in MESS [Hans Ostermeyer]

drcuml: fix compile on systems that use the C backend [R. Belmont]

Reimplemented fruit-machine mechanical meters to use timers [AGEMAME]

Various MPU4 changes [AGEMAME]:
* Revised timing/input system to stop flickering
* Tidied up the LED drawing code to remove flicker
* Support for all known extenders and reel multiplex boards used in
    MPU4 H/W
* Partial support for OKI sampled sound card, need for some titles
* Fixed Old Timer characteriser
* Some general tidying up to allow better study of the BwB titles

Implemented proper mouse wheel event handling in the Windows debugger.
[Curt Coder]

Convert emu_timers to objects. Moved implementation and management of
timers into the scheduler. Retain TIMER devices as a separate wrapper
in timer.c/.h. Rather than using macros which hide generation of a
string-ified name for callback functions, the new methods require
passing both a function pointer plus a name string. A new macro
FUNC() can be used to output both, and another macro MSTUB() can be
used to output a stub-wrapped class member as a callback. [Aaron Giles]

Added a time() method on the machine, so that machine->time()
gives the current emulated time. [Aaron Giles]

Added methods to the device_t class that make creating and managing
device timers much simpler. Modern devices were updated to use these.
[Aaron Giles]

Ensured that the debugger disassembly PC cursor is visible on startup.
[Curt Coder]

Made changes to the PORT_ADJUSTER values for MSM5232 clocks in all
games in drivers to best match PCB recordings.  [Fujix, Tafoid]

Removed cpuexec_describe_context, cpuexec_boost_interleave,
cpuexec_trigger, and cpuexec_triggertime in favor of calls to the
scheduler. [Aaron Giles]

tms57002: significantly improved build speed on lower-end h/w
[R. Belmont]

G65816: fixed operation on PowerPC Linux where char is unsigned
[R. Belmont, billb]

Move generic templates from emucore.h to emutempl.h. Normalize the
tagged_list template to wrap a regular standard_list and have similar
semantics. Updated a few direct callers to handle the changes.
[Aaron Giles]

sigmab98: fixed zooming, added priorities and flipping [Luca Elia]

Moved the state saving system to C++. For now the registration macros
are still intact. The new state_manager class has templatized methods
for saving the various types, and through template specialization can
save more complex system types cleanly (like bitmaps and attotimes).
Added NAME() macro which is a generalization of FUNC() and can be used
to wrap variables that are registered when directly using the new
methods as opposed to the previous macros. [Aaron Giles]

Added new mechanism to detect proper state save types. This is much
more strict and there will likely be some games/devices that
fatalerror at startup until they are remedied. Spot checking has
caught the more common situations. [Aaron Giles]

Added methods in the device_t class that implicitly register state
against the current device, making for a cleaner interface. Bulk
updated existing devices and drivers with driver_device classes to
use these methods. [Aaron Giles]

cps1.c: CPS-1 update [Team CPS-1]:
* Added Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan Resale Ver.)
* Confirmed B-Board # for chikij, added ROMs positions, PALs and some
    pcb infos to video\cps1.c
* Fixed sf2uk labels and added pcb infos
* Identified and documented willowje as an early and genuine USA
    release, added a note and renamed willowje -> willowo
* Verified and fixed XTALs of Japan Resale Versions to work at 12MHz,
    they all use DASH A-Boards
* Minor cleanups and fixes

Migrated allocated buffers to arrays in the driver_data classes of
several drivers. [Aaron Giles]

Made "run to next CPU" more reliable. [Aaron Giles]

Fix memory manager bug when calling 32-bit handlers on a 64-bit
address space. [Aaron Giles]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Express Card / Top Card [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia]
Magic Train [Grull Osgo, Roberto Fresca, David Haywood, Luca Elia]
X-Train [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia]
Music Sort (ver 2.02, English) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
18 Wheeler [hap, Siftware]
Animal Catch
  [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Itazura Monkey
  [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
California Games (Mega-Tech)
  [f205v, incog, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

New clones added
Space Bomber [hap, N. Francfort, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Top Skater (Japan) [Pat Daderko]
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (Korea) [Artemio Urbina
Zero Hour (set 2) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (Korea) [Artemio Urbina
Hidden Catch 2 (pcb ver 1.00) (Kor/Eng/Jpn/Chi)
  [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan Resale Ver.)
  [J. Finney, italie, john666, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Red Earth / Warzard (961023) [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Double Dribble (prototype?) [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Tetris Plus 2 (Japan, V2.1) [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Violent Storm (ver AAB) [Denis Lechevalier]
Black Tiger (older) [David Raingeard]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Metal Slug 6 [Guru]
Evil Night (ver UBA) [Guru]
Oinori-daimyoujin Matsuri
  [Yohji, Kevin Eshbach, R. Mucciarelli, Cah4e3, The Dumping Union]
Funky Ball [krick, incog, Smitdogg, Guru, The Dumping Union]
Reno Reels (20p/10GBP Cash, release A) [AGEMAME]
BwB Tetris v 2.2 [AGEMAME]
Red Hot Poker (20p/10GBP Cash, release 3) [AGEMAME]
Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden [Guru]
Pye-nage Taikai
  [Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Hae Hae Ka Ka Ka
  [Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Taihou de Doboon
  [Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Dream Fruit [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
NeopriSP Retro Collection [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Last Bank [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
