主题 : 米国人民的学习能力....
级别: VIP会员
UID: 157
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发帖: 695
威望: 1 星
金钱: 202 浮游币
贡献值: 28 点
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人气: 17 点
在线时间: 215(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-25
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楼主  发表于: 2004-05-09 17:16




"pin yin" is romanized chinese language - what you often see chinese players speaking in l2. there are many great resources on the web if you look around. and quite a few english to pin yin dictionaries.

here is what i have learned so far:

qing bu yao fan wo / please don’t bother me
bu yao qiang wo de guai / please do not steal my mobs
wo shi yi ge shazi / i am soloing
wo bu ming bai / i don’t understand
wo bu dong / i don't know
wo zheng zai xue hua yu / i am still learning chinese.
hen gao xing ren shi nin / i am very happy to meet you
ni hui jiang yingyu ma? / do you speak english?
wo shi meigo ren / i am american
wo mi lu le / i am lost
hai shuo de mei ni hao / still not as good as you
zai jian / see you again
xie xie / thank you
ming tian / tomorrow
xian zai / right now
zai /now
qing / please
dui bu qi / im sorry
bu yao / don’t want
bu hao / not good
ni hao / hello
er bai wu / stupid
houzi / monkey
hu shuo / bullshit! you speak nonsense
jia you / go go go!
kan kan / look look!
meiguo / america
meiguo ren / american
mei wenti / no problem!
ni men hao / hi you all
peng you / friend
ren / person, people
xiao / little
wahhh / wow
yi qie xiang qian kan / everyone thinks only about money
yao / want
zai jian / goodbye
zhende! / really!
han yu / chinese language
la ji / you slut, prostitute, trash
ji ji le / what level are you now?
bu yao sha ta / don’t kill her/him/me
ni keyi bang wo ma? / could you help me?
ni zai na li? / where are you?
hui yi dian city?
gei wo ge hui cheng / give me esc scroll
shen-ti hao ma / how are you?
wei shen-me / why
zen me / how
shui de or he ren / who
he chu or zai nar / where
shen-me yang / what
shen-me shi-hou / when
mei shi / alright?
en / yes
bu / no
nan / man
nuu / woman
wo jiao () / my name is
wo xu yao / i need

can anyone else contribute some helpful phrases for communicatiing with chinese l2 players? the more phrases i learn, the more i'm able to decipher random sentences. also, please correct anything above that is wrong.

please note that at the top of my list are "don't ks' and "please don't bother me". i do have to use these quite a bit, unfortunetly
user posted image
级别: 模拟名流
UID: 294
精华: 1
发帖: 7668
威望: 4 星
金钱: 92 浮游币
贡献值: 56 点
好评度: 12540 点
人气: 74 点
在线时间: 268(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-26
最后登录: 2023-04-11
沙发  发表于: 2004-05-09 22:53
