主题 : 【转贴】PS游戏合集制作方法
级别: 超级版主

UID: 12451
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PS MultiGamesCompiler Tutorial
By Lowang [Site]

Lesson 1: Some Important Thingz
Lesson 2: How do I rip the Games?
Lesson 3: What do I do with the PROGRAMS.TXT
Lesson 4: How to get it on CD
Lesson 5: Which Game Work - Which don't?
Lesson 6: Tips & Tricks


Lesson 1: Some Important Thingz
First important thing you have to know is that you only can use games, which get started with an *.EXE file. So look for an EXE file on your CDs. If there is no EXE file you are not able to use this game with the compiler.
The second VERY important thing is that you must copy the CDs exactly like they are on the original CD. That means DON'T MAKE A DIRECTORY for EACH GAME. If you do, they won't work.

Lesson 2: How do I rip the Games?
Ripping games is just removing data to make the CD smaller so more games fit onto a single CD-R. The easiest way to rip games is by removing the MUSIC/AUDIO and/or VIDEOS.
RIP Music/Audio Data
This is very simple just delete the Audio Tracks (*.cda) and the PSX Audio Tracks (Track01.xa).
Old games usually don't cause any problems when the Audio is missing! With newer games this can be a problem as games then to run slower or error messages appear. This happens for example with Thrill Kill. These games are not possible to rip then.

Rip Video Data
To rip Video Data should be no problem for people who already ripped PC-VIDEOS before. It is really simple.
It's only possible to rip FMV (*.str) Videos, of course not cutscenes in "game grafics". You just need a tool to convert *.avi to *.str files.

Just take any old PC-RIP and search for a avi file which is 0 secs long and which only shows a black screen. Convert this file to a .str file and use it to replace the Movie filename on the "Collection CD". Do this for every Video that can be ripped. This will save you precious space!

Lesson 3: What do I do with the PROGRAMS.TXT
If you have all games that you want to compile on your harddrive download PSX-Menu 1.5, extract it to harddrive and open the PROGRAMS.TXT file. Now it's getting harder again:
Important things for the file:

The PROGRAMS.TXT and PSX.EXE files must always be in the ROOT DIRECTORY.
The file always must begin with START and end with END.
There mustn't be any free lines between the main lines.
The files (*.EXE) & directories must be in UPPERCASE (this is VERY important)
The lines containing the *.EXE must always end with: ;1"

So here is the PROGRAMS.TXT of one of my last collection:


That is how it has to look like. Just take the above PROGRAMS.TXT and edit it matching your needs!

Lesson 4: How to get it on CD
Important Notes:
There can only be one PSX.EXE on the CD. If you don't have just one then it will no work!
Maximal size for the CD is 640 MB and maximum 30 directories in the root. But that should not be a problem.
Burning the CD

The best program to make collections is Adaptec EasyCD Creator (I use it too).
Create an ISO Image and select all the files & directories and that must be burned onto a CD-R. After you have done that, you are mostly done with the CD.
Take a program, like GridFIX, to license an ISO Image. Now burn the ISO Image back onto a CD-R. If you've done everything correctly it should start in your PSX!

Lesson 5: Which Game Work - Which don't?
Ofcourse you have to find this out for yourself! But usually every old game with EXE files should work.
Here are some hints which games REALLY work:

Driver [BETA]
Biohazard 2 [BETA] (Leon)
Need for Speed 3
C 3 Racing
Army Men 3d
Cool Boarders 2 (NTSC)
Tunnel B1
Crash Bandicoot 1 & 2 (3 did not work) Tomba 1
Tomba 2 (JAP)
Tekken 1, 2 & 3
Mortal Kombat 2, 3, 4 & Sub Seven
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Test Drive Offroad 1 & 2
Pandemonium 1
WWF Attitude
Wu-Tang [BETA]

Lesson 6: Tips & Tricks
Don't try to change texts inside EXE files as it is very lame.
Better don't put more than 5-6 games on the CD.
Try to get BETA versions as they are smaller then the original and usually work fine.
Before wasting as many CD-Rs as I did, use CD-RWs so you can try again if it didn't work - Keep in mind that not every CD-RW media works on a PSX!!!
Don't loose hope!
Look at other Collections like Golden Leon or Ultra Collection! You can learn very much from them.

附件: psxmgc_de.zip (3 K) 下载次数:35
附件: psxmgc_de(GERMAN).zip (3 K) 下载次数:21
附件: psxmgc2_de.zip (35 K) 下载次数:25
  • 金钱:5(Xiao555)
  • 级别: 模拟小生
    UID: 137142
    精华: 0
    发帖: 30
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    金钱: 2602 浮游币
    贡献值: 0 点
    好评度: 72 点
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    在线时间: 0(时)
    注册时间: 2006-08-24
    最后登录: 2006-09-07
    沙发  发表于: 2006-08-24 17:00
