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Review : (From
) Chinese Name:
English Name : Policenauts
Publisher : Konami
Game Play:1PLAY
Genre : ADV
Sell time:
Emulation : 引用
ePSXe : Works fine .
pSX emulator : haven't tested .
The game introduce:
It's an incredible game, but it's made rather difficult by the fact that all the text is in Japanese (natch), and there's lots of it - there's even an online database/encyclopaedia sort of thing. I finally completed the game on the 25th April 1999, and it was one hell of a ride from the opening firefight against Lorraine's masked killer to the final revelation as to the depth of the mystery. The only way the game could have been better is if it was available in English (take note Konami US and UK!). Far from being purely an adventure game, or interactive Anime, Policenauts seamlessly integrates the point'n'click shenanigans which proved so popular on the PCs not too long ago, with precise shooting sections ranging from exchanging hot lead with an escaping killer while chasing him down a highway, to calmly shooting away the faceplates of a couple of heavily armoured spacemen, to taking on a whole legion of troops in the villiain's huge office building. The game is presented as an interactive cartoon of sorts, with many fantastic cut-scenes, well crafted and memorable characters, and in incredibly atmospheric soundtrack of movie quality. In short, this game puts Western attempts at 'interactive movies' to shame. It's got everything you'd expect from a good mystery (and from Hideo Kojima, for that matter) - plot twists, 'deep throat' informants, double crossing, murder, kidnapping, drugs, bombs, organ harvesting, robotic mosquitos, and a high bodycount.
Game Walkthrough & infomation Policenauts Spoler ZoneIntro VideoThe Sega Saturn TrailerMy review:
As you can see , this game is one of the finest game ever created , not only the story but also the graphic . It has a lot of relating games like Snatcher , Policenauts: Private Collection etc. This game has a lot of cinematics with a nice drawing style ( look at the screenshots ) . It is definitely a must-have .
Score : 9/10 ( the only reason it is 9/10 is because it is Japanese ).
I'm going to upload this game to FTP server next ...year , well it's very big so prepare for a long time download...:P[ 此贴被mtkn在2007-03-02 22:57重新编辑 ]