Another nice RPG
Screenshots : - click on images to enlarge 

Info : Name : Breath of Fire IV
Publisher : Capcom (EU)
Date : 08/03/01
Language : English
Player : 1
My reviews Well , the fourth of the series . Long enough .
Story : 7/10
Well , too complicated sometimes , but sometimes too obvious to guess what will happen next . This game is for adult sometimes , but sometimes it's for kids...well . Still a boy named Ryu , he can transform into a Dragon , dealing an enormous damage , killing enemies . This time there's another dragon...
Graphics : 7/10
Well , the animation and sprites are pretty good , but the dragon ' s sprite is quite bad...but for a PS game , it's very colourful...
Music : 7/10 ( from gamefaq )
Quite hard to rate in my opinion, sometimes excellent, sometimes mediocre and sometimes non-existent.
At the beginning, aside from the absolutely, positively, unbelievably AWESOME opening theme, there is not much to be exited about, fortunately once we reach Synesta the music gets way better, and we get to hear many wonderful themes. The main problem here are the many spots without music, mainly forest, caves, ruins etc, and that is a big flaw.
Gameplay : 7/10 ( well 7/10 again ) ( from gamefaq )
The battles have some innovations for example, the first and most important one are the combos, we can make more powerful attacks by combining spells. For example if a character casts fire and the next one wind, the result is a fire storm. Sadly this is not as deep as it seems, the combinations a bit limited.
Something excellent is that we can switch between character in the middle of the battle, we can only fight with three characters at the same time, but if we want we can switch between them whenever we want, kinda like switching characters in Final Fantasy X, or well, exactly like Final Fantasy X.
The nice map from the previous installment has been drastically simplified, instead of the beautiful world maps from the previous installments here we are given the choice of going to certain place by that direction. On the good side, it is fast and intuitive.
Overral : 7/10 ( obviously )
Download : Uploaded the game to FTP.
PS : to Pjj , I'm sorry I can't type all this in Chinese , I'm sorry....
Don't look at the screenshot , the game I've uploaded is in English..well
[ 此贴被mtkn在2007-02-24 12:35重新编辑 ]