Do you like monsters and hopping ? COME HERE!!!
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Info : Name : Monster Rancher Hop-A-Bout
Developer : TECMO
Publisher : TECMO
Language : English
Genre : ACT
Date : 12/10/00
Player : 1
Emulation : 引用
ePSXe : Works fine .
pSX emulator : haven't tested .
Reviews : ( From GameFAQ - thanks to
brand )
"A fun game but a little bland"
Gameplay: 6
Control: 8
Graphics: 6
sound and music: 6
Overall: 6
Somehow our friends from Monster Rancher has been transported to mysterious ruins in the sky. Now, they want to explore to find their way back home. Nothing to amazing to the story but it sets up a fun puzzle game.
This is one strange game. Then main object of this game is to get your monster from on end of the board to the other. It seems simple, but there are many obstacles in your way, and you need to hop to the other end of the board, not walk. Yep that is why it is called hop-a-bout isn't it? The board is filled with many different block and when you
land on then can cause many effects. Some things like making you jump back, to instantly killing a life. You get points for landing on these blocks, and the more you land on in a row the bigger the combo and the larger the score. There are also large spaces to jump. Your can pick from a choice of 4 monsters from Monster Rancher. Some jump on their own some use a pogo stick, all have different speeds they movie at, and how far they jump. Though the differences are not enough to make a any real difference.
There is three modes of play single play, vs. play, and edit mode. Single play is what makes up most of this game with hundreds of boards to go though. You basically pick a monster and go though all of the boards with that one. You can save in-between each board. Sometimes you will
unlock items, but how and why this is done I have no clue. Vs play is you against a friend. The screen splits in two and your off to get to the end first. You can only pick boards you have beaten in single mode or boards you created in edit mode though. Edit mode is a nice addition to this
game, where you can make your own board. It is very simple to use and you get full choice of how long the board should be and what blocks you want to use. You can also save the boards you make but they take an extra memory card block.
The controls in this game is as easy as it's going to get, it only uses the D-pad. Make your monster go father by pushing up, shorter by pushing down, or left and right by the corresponding buttons. Each monster is different so the controls respond differently to each one. This leads to the strategy in the game because each monster might take a different path to the end because each one would land in a different place.
This games looks rather boring. I can't put it any other way. The graphics are not bad and serve their purpose well enough, but look blah. They are nothing exciting. Something more colorful would have added a lot more ''Fun''
to this game.
The sound isn't bad the music that is in the game is rather nice. But there is not to many different tunes and may get boring after a while. The sound effects are serviceable, bongs, bonks, and falling screams. Just nothing to amazing or cool. More tunes and more varied sound effects would have help alleviate the fact the game gets a little boring if you are playing for to long.
Monster Rancher: Hop-A-Bout is not a bad game it just ends up being a little bland. If the graphics and the music were more exciting, and the monsters had more differences between them the game would be much better. Though I have to say anyone should give this game a try just for the wacky experience you will get from it.
My Reviews : I'm out of strength...
Download Have a nice day .
PS : purpose , you owe me...
[ 此贴被mtkn在2007-03-02 22:59重新编辑 ]