主题 : Dora the Explorer - Barnyard Buddies (U) [SLUS-01576]
级别: 模拟菜鸟
UID: 188080
精华: 0
发帖: 63
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2538 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 87 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 18(时)
注册时间: 2007-03-24
最后登录: 2007-06-10
楼主  发表于: 2007-05-22 01:23

Dora the Explorer - Barnyard Buddies (U) [SLUS-01576]

[I]Pics were taken from ePSXe 1.60[/I]

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Filesize: 168 MB
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ePSXe status: Working
Password: Scatman

  1. ht~tp://rapidshare.com/files/32557456/Dora_the_Explorer_-_Barnyard_Buddies__U___SLUS-01576_.part1.rar
  2. ht~tp://rapidshare.com/files/32579590/Dora_the_Explorer_-_Barnyard_Buddies__U___SLUS-01576_.part2.rar