主题 : 【新闻?】不太值得注意的新闻...看过MMZ的朋友看看.
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 46505
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发帖: 555
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金钱: 4263 浮游币
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楼主  发表于: 2007-09-09 20:54


可能以前在这里待过的朋友看过一个叫"MMZ3-The last Cataclysm"的神级Flash,恩...作者是Flamezero
,今天无意中用代理翻了翻Newgrounds里面的Flash,找找前两作(MMZ3-The last Cataclysm目前有两集),发现有个大大的标题:MMZ - The Last Cataclysm 3 is in the making !

看过前两集的朋友应该知道,MMZ 系列是非常高质量的,而且使用大量电影技巧,把Z3剧情具体化,而这历时两年(两年没消息了...以为不出了呢....)的作品肯定不会让我们失望....喜欢这flash的朋友期待吧...

级别: 模拟专家
UID: 224541
精华: 0
发帖: 396
威望: 0 星
金钱: 2386 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 1176 点
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在线时间: 77(时)
注册时间: 2007-06-17
最后登录: 2024-08-06
沙发  发表于: 2007-09-10 15:34

Mmz The Last Cataclysm 3 Screenshots.Finally LOLXD
? Thread Started on Jan 19, 2007, 6:06pm ?[size=-1] Edit : 20.03.2007 : Since today's the first day we opened this forum with netto.I thought it would be nice to show just a lil example from MMZTLC3 to keep you guys excited about the movie.There it goes. (You need Flash8 player to view it..Or you'll experience problems..Go and download it from www.macromedia.com )
I want commentsss...
It doesnt look too good in internet explorer..Just watch it in your computer with a flashplayer so that it looks exactly what its supposed to look like..
End of edit...
Ok guys.I have finally started making this flash which was supposed to be out ages ago.I have the voice actings the custom sprites I need.everything....all I need to do is hurrying up finishing this last part of the series.
I know its been a year already whoa...So this thing's gonna be up on ng in a month I promise.
I have started making an anime style opening that will be included in the third movie.Since I made you guys wait for so long this part must be a lil bit more special yeah ?

The opening part is almsot complete.I just need to animate a 10 or 15 second long part where Im gonna use my animating techs to tell about Master X's and OmegaS fight with zero.
The theme I chose for the opening is Bleachs second opening theme.Uverworld If I remember it right.Yeah I even became a bleach fan so In the third movie there will be a bleach extra too along with the usual naruto one.
Of course some familiar techniues from naruto will be there again.and be ready for suprising plot twists

Ok that information is more than enough I think.Here goes the screenshots of the opening Im making for the third movie.
edit :*added two more screenshots* ^^
edit :*Added some more screenshots..The opening is done ^^*

new ones

***Edit :Wow I used two new animating techs here which I had never used before .and believe me it looks cool.The first one is ; the camera constantly moves a lil bit from side to side and from top to bottom which makes you feel like you're watching an old movie.
and the second one is while X and zero stands there, the fight between them continues in the back , while the part which shows their fight still constantly moves a lil bit. Wow...I feel like I have really improved..and this isnt even the real movie its just the opening.***

Edit :* ^^ * LOL !
Edit : These ones from the actual movie not from the opening.


Look forward to it

Tell me whaddya think about the screencaps

转过来 有没有人能够翻译啊

但是英文太多 很难搞定啊
[ 此贴被clclbby在2007-09-10 15:40重新编辑 ]