主题 : 【转贴】Sega Master System Emulator For Sega Saturn
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 49661
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发帖: 309
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楼主  发表于: 2008-03-21 23:22

【转贴】Sega Master System Emulator For Sega Saturn

Sega Master System Emulator For Sega Saturn

Genre: Emulator of Master System, playable on Sega Saturn
Image Format: ISO
Compressed size: 36 Mb
Uncompressed size: 93.3 Mb

Screenshots taken with SSF ver.0.09 prototype R2

Well, this is an emulator of Master System, playable on real Sega Saturn hardware... I was testing this before post here.
Many games of Master System are playable on this version, what contains 361 games (pratically the fullset of SMS, excepting the "repeated" ROMs), ant it plays with sound (delays and distortion of some effects, meanwhile) and in real hardware, runs around 56~50 fps, and this is very relative depending of the choosed game. (on the SSF it runs pratically in full fps)

The controllers are:
A = button 1 of SMS
B = button 2 of SMS
C = pause
X = enable/disable sound
L and R = choose game
START = run the selected game

This is the more recent version that I found on internet... 22.12.07.
Ah.. there is some games what dont´run in this version of emulator, like Kenseiden, Mortal Kombat 1 and 2, Out Run, Out Run Europa...
And some games cant´load (the screen will stay black), and some games will crash the emu. If you press the reset button on videogame, sometimes the emulator will be executed with many problems.... the recommended is: after a crash, turn off, wait some seconds and turn the videogame on again, and the emulator will runs ok again.
Enjoy !


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级别: DCLT汉化组

UID: 12446
精华: 0
发帖: 1967
威望: 5 星
金钱: 212 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 3439 点
人气: 11 点
在线时间: 344(时)
注册时间: 2004-10-02
最后登录: 2014-03-10
沙发  发表于: 2008-03-22 00:25

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