主题 : 【新闻】SEGA DC/NAOMI模拟器 DEMUL V0.41 WIP 双语中文全插件版发布
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UID: 214028
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楼主  发表于: 2008-06-24 19:24

【新闻】SEGA DC/NAOMI模拟器 DEMUL V0.41 WIP 双语中文全插件版发布

这是一个支持SEGA DC主机和SEGA DC与街机互换基板NAOMI游戏的模拟器
hope you have waited this just as we are. The same would have liked that the new version lives up your hopes, as well as ours. After a year and a half develop again became quite active phase, so this is not the latest version for this year. ;) I do not want to disappoint you, but it is still far from final and ideal solution. Much work, but because now emulators Drima already quite a lot, including actively developing, is where to draw ideas and what to strive. ;)
It was agreed to build this audience for its comprehensive testing, as the bug is still left quite a lot, you should at least know where they occur. So the main page emulator is not updated, release spread here in the form of bare without soprovodilovki and additional. The main functions and operating principles remain unchanged from previous versions, all features described in the Old readme.txt. Of innovations can be identified only:
In most notably: BIOS files are now directly from romseta MAME and must lie in a folder in the files ROMS naomi.zip, as in most mothers.
The kernel has been rewritten several times, that was some advance work (especially at Core2Duo). ;)
In connection with the above earned games for WinCE. True, not all and not completely.
Sound transformed anew, for the time being tested at the games, he sounds almost perfect.
Without any changes managed to combine the strengths in one emulator two systems at once: in fact, by itself автомат Drimkast and Naomi arcade based on it.
Now it is possible to change the region stations directly from the menu emulator, respectively, the need for change biosa and flash-file with him entirely disappears.
A small adjustment processing peaks **s gave correcting some problems on maps Nvidia c driver OpenGL (see Sonic 2).
By trifles corrected some old bugs (but not all).

Slightly more details on the above:
WinCE works only in the mode Intepreter, so quite slow and not always bezglyuchno. As soon as the realization of MMU will be combined with dynamic rekompilyatorom, it will be possible to talk about a certain playability, but not earlier.
Speed limit the withdrawal of personnel, as before, working through plug-GPU option, although not quite perfect, if you need it. GPU little rewriting, so much emulation disperse it still will not give. ;)
The sound is so perfect in its mass, how bad in some places. Because we tested at this time, some games not to reproduce the sounds of strikes, and additional rounds. I hope with your help we can find more such problems, locate them and correct. This requires simply tell us about possible mistakes to make the sound, and the work of emulation in general. I recall that GPU remained the same, so that part bOlshaya graphic bugs remained on the ground, so do not be quick to shout about the fact that you have something does not work, perhaps we already know what's wrong and are working on the problem.
Of the available so far available for Roma Naomi, supported only options in the form of ROMov, and only those who have a standard controller. Mahjong and fishing has not worked because neemuliruemosti management. Virtua strayker also showed lack of willingness to work, so not much radio. To start the game, must be standardized romsety naomi of MAME, together with packaging biosov ROMS in a folder in the main directory emulator. I would like to note that available in the files romsete naomi, few are working. The vast majority indicated as NO_DUMP and instead file contains garbage-filler. So do not be quick to complain that you can not run. Dopodlinno know that the work Cosmic Smash and Toy Fighter.
Even I could have forgotten something. As the repository moved a couple of times, a complete list of changes could be traced vryadli. When will reach their hands to upgrade ofsayta, will be updated documentation, a list of changes and compatibility lists. You need support as always, patience and willingness to test the current version, reporting on all the gaps, you have found.

模拟器主程序及全官方插件都中文化了(简体和正体) 由于过度非标准资源修改的化 会导致模拟器出错
所以非标准资源就没有修改半个 以上


简体中文化版本 (适用于简体操作系统用户)

正体中文化版本 (适用于繁体作业系统用户)
级别: 超级版主

UID: 12451
精华: 6
发帖: 19086
威望: 173 星
金钱: 2507 浮游币
贡献值: 10025 点
好评度: 54836 点
人气: 4322 点
在线时间: 19466(时)
注册时间: 2004-10-02
最后登录: 2024-10-07
沙发  发表于: 2008-06-24 20:50
