这是下载到 README 里面的内容:
6<R[hIWpZ} DH.UJ+ WiiSX beta 1 brought to you by Wii64Team (emu_kidid, sepp256, tehpola)
W8;!rFW B;W%P.<. Usage:
jIVD i~Ld .bin/.cue only supported.
.`V$j.a Place all your .bin/.cue & SCPH1001.BIN in sd:/PSXISOS/
a/1;|1a. SDCard must be in before starting the .dol (duh)
Mw)6,O` 9cU9'r# h Known Issues:
lC}t CDDA audio streaming is not implemented
\<09.q<8 XA audio fails at times
`Pc<0*`a Final Fantasy VII crashes Dynarec
!6@ 'H4cb= FPS limit not working at times
bovAFdHW L[,19;( Credits:
CjP<'0gT pcsx team
http://www.pcsx.net/ r@bh,U$ pcsx-df
$bFK2yx?= pcsx 1.5-test3 mac version by Gil Pederson
http://pcsx.gpost.dk/ zNdkwj p+ P.E.Op.S. PSX Gpu
http://sourceforge.net/projects/peops/ ASre@pW kfT*G
+l] s(J>yd= 好像是仅支持 BIN CUE 类型的 镜像文件
oD1k7Gq1 Xc}XRKiy{ 需要 PS 的 Bios 文件
1?1Bz?EKF* SY%y *6[6 文件名是: SCPH1001.BIN
0y?;o*&U\ 放置位置:SD卡的根目录下的 /PSXISOS/ 文件夹中