主题 : 【新闻】MD系列模拟器Gens/GS Release 7 Preview 4
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楼主  发表于: 2009-09-14 17:24

【新闻】MD系列模拟器Gens/GS Release 7 Preview 4


Bug Fixes

    * [Unix] Starting Gens/GS with the "--fs" option or "Full Screen=1" in the configuration file works properly. Previously, the GTK+ UI would be created after SDL was set to fullscreen, which caused SDL to revert to windowed mode, resulting in all sorts of screwiness.
    * Blargg's NTSC Filter, MDP Version 1.1.1. This fixes two major bugs:
          o v1.1.0: Don't read from VRAM for line-doubling, since this is slow on Windows.
          o v1.1.1: Draw the last scanline correctly when interpolation is enabled.
    * [Win32] The "Screenshot" menu item was being checked/unchecked instead of enabled/disabled in the menu synchronization function. This bug was reported by AamirM in #retro.
    * [SDL] Controller configuration now checks the current state of the controllers before polling for new keys. This makes it easier to configure controllers that have analog triggers whose default state is negative-axis.
    * [SDL] Gens/GS now recognizes diagonals on POV hats properly. This bug was reported (and fixed) by superG on the Ubuntu Forums.
    * Fixed the "Crazy" and "Gens Logo" intro effects so they work again. The intro effect is now configurable in the "General Options" window. Note that the "Gens Logo" effect may have problems on Win32 if the desktop color depth doesn't match the rendering color depth.
    * The "Directory Configuration" window now correctly shows the directory names in the "Select Directory" window title. This regressed when the "Directory Configuration" window was ported back to C in r7_pre1.
    * [Win32] If the "Normal" renderer can't be initialized in Full Screen in the DirectDraw renderer, try the "Double" renderer instead. Some newer Windows video drivers don't support double-scanning 320x240, so 640x480 must be used instead.
    * [Win32] Fixed a massive lag regression from the "back-to-c" branch. The DirectSound audio backend was sleeping for 1 ms while waiting for the write pointer to change, which caused issues with the Windows scheduler on some systems. Thanks to djohe from #retro for helping to diagnose and solve this problem.
    * [Win32] Removed a call to ChangeDesktopSettings() on exit. Notably, this fixes a bug in Wine where Gens would disable the second monitor on exit. It probably also fixes some flicker issues on Vista when the program exited.
    * SRAM functionality was accidentally broken in Release 7, Preview 2. I overhauled the ROM header parser but forgot to byteswap various values, including the SRAM addresses. SRAM works now.

附件: Gens-gs-r7_pre4-win32.zip (1496 K) 下载次数:8
级别: 模拟新血
UID: 315948
精华: 0
发帖: 1
威望: 0 星
金钱: 91 浮游币
贡献值: 0 点
好评度: 3 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 1(时)
注册时间: 2009-09-14
最后登录: 2009-10-11
沙发  发表于: 2009-09-14 18:26
