主题 : 【新闻】MAME 0.137u2
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UID: 6498
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金钱: 403237 浮游币
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楼主  发表于: 2010-04-09 17:07

【新闻】MAME 0.137u2



MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02134: [Graphics] ffight2b: Graphics glitch (Angelo Salese)
- 03396: [Crash/Freeze] nss_aten: Game does not progress past initial
         text screen (Angelo Salese)
- 03397: [DIP/Input] nss_skin: Input is completely non-working
         (Angelo Salese)
- 03116: [Crash/Freeze] nss_actr: Emulation hangs up after hitting start.
         (Angelo Salese)
- 03227: [Debugger] When setting A register in 8080 CPU, it sets F

Source Changes
Hooked up default NVRAM and fixed sample rom loading order in
Championship Bowling [David Haywood]

snes.c: greatly simplified tile drawing routines, fixed a couple of
small bugs in mosaic support, reworked debug functions to be detected
properly in all games [Fabio Priuli]

snes.c: improved VRAM accesses (they're invalid during active display)
and DMA transfers (not all addresses can be accessed) [Fabio Priuli]

snes.c: enabled PPU->CPU hdma transfer and moved hdma variables to
snes_state [Fabio Priuli]

snes.c: updated HDMA to init/update according to Anomie's docs
[Fabio Priuli]

namcos23: First extremely rough 3D hookup [O. Galibert]

Changed the killing blade parent to the pgm bios. [smf]

namcos23: Add some lighting. [O. Galibert, Naibo]

namcos23: hooked up tilemap scroll, improved raster IRQ [R. Belmont]

snes.c: enforced abus validity check on dma reads, fixed possible tile
and vram out of bounds bugs [Fabio Priuli]

Replaced Stocker dump with a good set [Kevin Eshbach]

Hooked up default NVRAM for Golly Ghost / Bubble Trouble
[David Haywood]

namcos23: Add 3D model scaling [O. Galibert]

Heavily improved the slot 72 - poker game, it's now known to be
actually Poker Monarch. [Angelo Salese]

m680x0 FPU updates: [R. Belmont]
* BCD packed decimal now supported, including k-factor
* Improved FSAVE/FRESTORE including FPU reset when restoring a NULL
* FREM instruction supported
* Better disassembly of FPU instructions

superfx.c: added save states to the CPU [Fabio Priuli]

snes.c: moved some more variables to driver state, set a few addresses
as open bus and slightly changed SuperFX handlers not to access SNES
WRAM [Fabio Priuli]

namcos23: c361 fixes and address auto-increment [O. Galibert]

further snes.c wip: [Fabio Priuli]
* Fixed a bug in SPC7110 handlers (now Tengai Makyou Zero test
    reaches RTC tests and fails them, instead of getting stuck at
    MUL/DIV tests)
* Implemented very preliminary (and currently broken) SPC7110 RTC
* Updated DSP2 handlers to better reflect Overload's docs (problem
    and fix actually found by byuu)
- Updated add-on chips handlers to reflect byuu's findings

snes.c wip: fixed reserved memory address read not returning open_bus;
fixed a few add-on chip reads not returning open_bus [Fabio Priuli]

Made input_device pointers non-volatile. Since we return pointers to
them in response to input_device_add(), ensure that the pointers don't
change after subsequent adds. [Aaron Giles]

snes.c: fixed a SRAM size problem and moved PPU registers handling to
video/snes.c [Fabio Priuli]

ppu2c0x.c: added save states to NES PPU and performed some minor
cleanups [Fabio Priuli]

i386+ core updates: [Samuele Zannoli]
* Added CR4 register
* Added bswap instruction
* Added support for 4MB pages

chihiro.c: Minor memory map update for running the BIOS
[Samuele Zannoli]

Gun output cleanups/hookups [Howard Casto]:
* drivers\othunder.c:  Changed Operation Thunderbolt output names to
    something more appropriate. (They were routed to LEDs.)
* video\rastan.c:  Hooked up output for Operation Wolf.
* machine\midwunit.c:  Hooked up outputs for Revolution X.
* machine\midyunit.c:  Hooked up outputs for Terminator 2.
* drivers\seta.c:  Hooked up outputs for Zombie Raid.

i386/NEC disassembler updates: [Alex Jackson]
* Made "MOV AL, offset" etc (opcodes A0-A3) properly indicate a
    segment override prefix.
* Corrected the disassembly of various NEC-only instructions (mainly
    V25/V35-only instructions)
* Changed CPUINFO_INT_MAX_INSTRUCTION_BYTES on i86 and NEC from 15 to

Added correct ROMs to 'Dragon's Lair (Italian)' (dlital) [f205v]

Improvements to supdrapo.c driver [Roberto Fresca]
* Reworked inputs to match the standard poker inputs names/layout.
* Hooked the payout switch.
* Hooked a watchdog circuitery, that seems intended to reset the game
    and/or an external device.
* Added machine start & reset.
* All clocks pre defined.
* Added ay8910 interfase as a preliminary attempt to analyze the
    unknown port writes when these ports are set as input.
* Figured out the following DIP switches: Auto Bet (No, Yes). Allow
    Raise (No, Yes). Double-Up (No, Yes). Minimal Winner Hand (Jacks
    or Better, Two Pair). Deal Speed (Slow, Fast). Aces Type (Normal
    Aces, Number 1). Cards Deck Type (english cards, french cards).
    Max Bet (5, 10, 15, 20).
* Added NVRAM support.
* Reorganized and cleaned-up the driver.

hng64: Fix sound ROM loading. [Andrew Gardner]

Reworked the entire Nintendo 64 renderer to be class-based.  More
cleanup to follow. [Harmony]

Removing texture_rectangle_32bit and fill_rectangle_32bit to hopefully
generate a bug report which indicates any games using the modes.

Applied some cppcheck fixes. [Oliver Stoneberg]

Clear pending IRQ if the IRQ enable flag is disabled in the SNES
driver [Angelo Salese]

midtunit.c: Fixed TMS340 parameter [Alex Jackson]

namcos23: Fix the zoom value [O. Galibert]

namcos23: First stab at z-sorting [O. Galibert]

[8080/8085 CPU] Fix of mametester bug 3227. [Robbbert]

Moved the i/o update status inside a timer in the SNES driver
[Angelo Salese]

Disabled unused variables and code based on cppcheck and VS2008 Code
Analysis [Oliver Stoneberg]

Fixed some massive texturing issues in the new Nintendo 64 / RDP
renderer. [Harmony]

Disabled DRC versions of certain vector load/store operations in the
RSP core in order to avoid geometry issues. [Harmony]

Improved Rectangle drawing in the RDP core. [Harmony]

poly.c: Make the parameter interpolation more robust [O. Galibert]

namcos23: Push the zclip a little to avoid poly.c issues for now.
[O. Galibert]

Added boundary checks for MVN and MVP opcodes when in M mode in the
G65816 CPU core [Angelo Salese]

Added a new input type IPT_KEYPAD for MESS, to distinguish between
fully featured keyboards and keypad controllers [Fabio Priuli]

skyarmy (skyarmy.c)  [stephh] :
* Fixed Dip Switches and Inputs (after verification of the Z80 code)
* Updated memory map to partially handle screen flipping

scobra, scobrase, scobras, scobrab, suprheli, moonwar, moonwara,
armorcar, armorcar2, tazmania, anteater, calipso, losttomb, losttombh,
spdcoin, superbon (galaxian.c driver + galdrvr.c)  [stephh] :
* Fixed Dip Switches and Inputs (after verification of the Z80 code)

namcos23: Found "force poly to front" bit [O. Galibert]

info.c: added keyboard and keypad controls to xml output
[Fabio Priuli]

First step in supporting master cycle delays in the SNES driver
[Angelo Salese]

Basic implementation of the DMA master cycles steals in the SNES
driver [Angelo Salese]

Basic implementation of the memory map master cycle steals in the SNES
driver [Angelo Salese]

snes.c: fixed to the DMA issue with S-DD1 games [Fabio Priuli]

1943.c: Corrected rom names [Bill D, The Dumping Union]

segaybd.c: Redumped IC26 for Rail Chase, added PCB board ID numbers
and corrected the rom names for Rail Chase [ANY]

Added gprof support to the makefile. [Bryan Ischo]

Added a check for the OPTION_READCONFIG option before executing
the code which would attempt to incorporate configuration file
settings into the current configuration, because if OPTION_READCONFIG
is set to false, then there is no reason to even try to do this as
every single configuration file will be ignored (because config files
have been turned off by OPTION_READCONFIG). [Bryan Ischo]

Fixed small memory leak in mame.c. [Bryan Ischo]

Fixed double-free error in render.c. [Bryan Ischo]

Made core_strdup use osd_malloc instead of malloc. [Bryan Ischo]

New clones added
Rail Chase (World) [Dumping Union]
High Impact Football (rev LA2 12/26/90)
  [A. Hoekman, tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Shark Party (english, alpha license)
  [Kevin Eshbach, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 8000 (v9.02 Standard) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Ridge Racer (Full Scale, 1993-12-13, World)
  [tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union] (not working, incomplete boardset)
Super Draw Poker (set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe, Dumping Union]
Super Football Champ (Ver 2.4O) [Caius]
Street Fighter (US, set 2) (protected) [Bill D & the Dumping Union]
Thrill Drive (JAB) [The Dumping Union]
Moon Base (set 2) [jmurjr, D. Maeby, Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 3?)
    [f205v, Tirino73]
Cherry Bonus III (alt, set 2) [Anonymous]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Lucky Boy / Poker 72 [David Haywood]
Print Club Pokemon B [Guru]