XENO放出了XENO直读的源代码,其中有个升级的DOL,可以将V1的XENO固件升级成V2。不过需要做个开关将地线先接到XENO任何一个字母上,等启动了升级DOL文件后再触动开关。(不知道是不是这个意思,我不太确定,原文是The chip is also capable of being updated via a flasher .dol file (included) - but I would use this at your own risk! It's quite nifty - the author tells me that he actually gets the MN102 to flash update the XenoGC - quite cool To run it, you must solder a switch from GND to any letter of the "Xeno" text on the modchip and toggle it when you've booted the DOL.)
0!YB.=\{_q 详细信息请看
http://www.gc-forever.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=439&f=15&sid=0f01ad2561b057d24fce645ca3542fa0 UUGwXq96i 由于放出了源代码,将来不排除可以通过升级固件将SD-LOADER等自制软件刷到XENO上,实现开机按住START键实现相关程序的启动。
[ 此帖被gxb在2011-02-24 07:22重新编辑 ]