
Remember this game? Well, ever heard of this game? Sega
showed it 1998's E3 and TGS, and people were impressed. Yet it was never released - probably because, as we all know, Sega is managed by retards. But I digress...
Now the good news: ASSEMblergames has
obtained a copy , from a former Sega of America employee, for about $700. Soon it will be dumped from the GD-R and then leaked to the world. Keep your eyes open, fellow DC nostalgics!
请记住这个游戏? 嗯, 听说过这个游戏? 世嘉表明,它在1998年的E3和TGS,人们留下了深刻印象。 然而,这是从未公布 - 可能,因为大家都知道,世嘉是阻碍管理。 但是,我离题...
现在好消息:ASSEMblergames已获得一份拷贝 ,从美国前世嘉雇员,大约700美元。 不久,这将是从广东倾倒- R和再泄露给世界。 睁大你的眼睛,各位直流nostalgics!

[ 此帖被YZB在2011-04-03 18:58重新编辑 ]