查看完整版本: [-- [闲聊]今天接到了某组织的邀请测试北美WOW --]

【 浮游城 - Castle in the Sky | 开放邀请注册,PS|SS|WII|DC下载研究中心 】 -> 【 PC 游戏讨论区 | PC Games 】 -> [闲聊]今天接到了某组织的邀请测试北美WOW [打印本页] 登录 -> 注册 -> 回复主题 -> 发表主题

Eiji 2004-08-28 13:43

Blizzard Entertainment® and FilePlanet bring you the opportunity to participate in a one-week, North American World of Warcraft™ closed stress test beta. This stress test is designed to tune the World of Warcraft™ network infrastructure. Your participation in this stress test beta will help Blizzard in finding the optimum server population for delivering the best online experience possible.

World of Warcraft™ is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. In World of Warcraft™ players become legendary heroes, exploring, adventuring, and questing across a vast world. The game is currently in the closed-beta phase of testing.

North American FilePlanet Subscribers are guaranteed a space in the World of Warcraft™ closed stress test beta. Public spaces are limited for the stress test and are given out on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to sign up right away.

Don't miss the chance to play the North American World of Warcraft™ stress test beta. Click the link below to sign up for this awesome beta!



This program is only available to North American customers.

Please visit the World of Warcraft Website for information on international beta tests.

-The FilePlanet Staff

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本地 有没有其它GameSpy成员也收到了同样的信件呢?是给每个GameSpy成员都发了信吗

小D 2004-08-28 14:19

Eiji 2004-08-28 15:00

hero 2004-08-29 00:45
寒。。。楼主。。。这是stress test....就是测试服务器的性能。。。你只能玩一个星期。。。

Eiji 2004-08-29 23:18
大概。。。street test是不是跟hack过可以单机的某测试版的游戏功能 差不多?
street test...这名字倒是真形像

橙子 2004-09-03 22:04

abomb 2004-09-03 22:26

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