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sakuraniu 2004-10-13 15:14

包装精良,售价67元,我个人怀疑是台湾翻译的繁体版 wdb2.gif
昨天就看到了,去BT爱好者看了看,没有相关下载,就犹豫了 em32.gif

如果大家都不能确定,我就出把血赌一把 em32.gif

imfreedom 2004-10-13 16:18

Triple-E 2004-10-13 17:03

[ 2004-10-11 11:53:37 ] 作者:PCgames·microkof 责任编辑:yangliang

  奇幻RPG大作《神界:超越无限》简体中文版今日在全国隆重上市。欧美风格的奇幻世界总是非常的让人向往,剑与魔法所统治的世界里面,有无数的故事发生。在奇幻游戏已经得到长足发展的今天,比利时的LARIAN工作室制作的《神界:超越无限》(Divine Divinity)是又一款全新而优秀的奇幻角色扮演游戏,它由大名鼎鼎的CDV于去年发行,我国在年底的时候也引进了中文版,由于它出色故事情节、梦幻般的世界、空前强大的互动性以及出众的角色发展系统使它在全球都拥了大量的拥护者,也获得了无数业界奖项。
  《神界:超越无限》《Divine Divinity》是一款高自由度极大容量奇幻类RPG游戏。游戏具有庞大的世界,规模宏大的故事情节,以及种类繁多的怪物设计,六种不同的职业共提供了多达100种的可学习技能,20,000屏大小的地图横跨从沼泽到森林,城堡到地下城,湖泊到平原的广阔场景,玩家亦将在其中与7个种族的上百种怪物和150多个NPC中产生互动,最终击退黑暗势力,成为大陆的守护神第一神灵。


imfreedom 2004-10-13 18:28

sakuraniu 2004-10-13 20:31
kaixin.gif 我买了,是Z版的简体中文版,翻译质量不错,没有任何加密手段,安装完后可以脱离光盘运行

sakuraniu 2004-10-13 20:32
大家需要,我就上传 kaixin.gif

sakuraniu 2004-10-13 20:33

Triple-E 2004-10-13 22:20
需要啊,等凤凰把服务器修好后再传吧。 wdb10.gif   kaixin.gif wdb17.gif xihuan.gif

sakuraniu 2004-10-13 22:31
引用 (enixl @ 2004-10-13 22:20:41)
需要啊,等凤凰把服务器修好后再传吧。 wdb10.gif   kaixin.gif wdb17.gif xihuan.gif

服务器坏了呀 em32.gif

Triple-E 2004-10-13 22:32
引用 (sakuraniu @ 2004-10-13 22:31:10)
引用 (enixl @ 2004-10-13 22:20:41)
需要啊,等凤凰把服务器修好后再传吧。 wdb10.gif&nbsp;  kaixin.gif&nbsp; wdb17.gif&nbsp; xihuan.gif

服务器坏了呀 em32.gif

Main Cheat Codes
NOTE: These are the main codes for Beyond Divinity that are usually applied by typing text in-game, or by bringing down the game console. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

Start game with stronger character
The first Act of Beyond Divinity, even on the easier settings, can be a frustrating chore because your characters are so weak and the opposition is much tougher. This cheat can help you start with stronger characters and avoid prolonged and epic battles with lowly Level 2 skeletons.

To start a game with a stronger character open the "Beyond Divinity" folder on your hard drive, open the "Common" folder, and double click on the "CharSelStats.dat" file. You'll be promoted to select a program to use to open the file; select NotePad. [Be sure to either back up this file, or write down the default attributes, before changing any text !]

Using NotePad, change the attribute numerals for each character class (Warrior, Wizard, or Survivor, whichever one applies to the character you intend to use)to higher values. For example, if you intend to play as a wizard, starting with a level 9 Intelligence is helpful; for a warrior, upping the Strength or Agility attribute to 10 or greater will allow you to promptly use some of the early-game armor and weapons, rather than selling them or lugging them in your inventory.

When you're finished, Save the changes and start a new game.

NOTE: As their name suggests hints are not exactly like cheats, and are usually just simple (but very useful) tips on how you can unlock secret level, features, find hidden areas and such. Hopefully these will make playing Beyond Divinity even more entertaining.

Duplicate Items rating
You can duplicate items and money the same way as you can in Divine Divinity. Select the item from your inventory drag across to plane as you drop the item you press Ctrl+L (Quick Load) the same time the item is falling. This may take some practice to get use too!

Instant Battlefields
Once you have located one or more of the battlefield keys during the first act you must add them to your inventory - to do this you will need to drag and drop the key into your inventory. These keys will stay with your character throughout each act. When entering a new act simply click on each key to activate it and the battlefields will become available - there is no need to locate the keys specific to each act.



Lobelia 2004-10-13 22:53

Triple-E 2004-10-13 22:54


sakuraniu 2004-10-14 08:46
谢谢斑竹大哥对我的信任,不过这个职位我没有能力胜任,我现在工作很忙(食品公司到了冬季就是旺季 em32.gif ),有的时候一个星期可能都不能回到这里,还是让更有精力、更适合的人胜任吧,不过我将继续支持这里,我有了好东东一定会与大家一起分享 kaixin.gif


sakuraniu 2004-10-14 10:58

心太 2004-10-14 11:08

Lobelia 2004-10-14 12:01



sakuraniu 2004-10-14 15:00
好的,我去申请,不过我对管理PC区真的不在行,我就负责上传新旧游戏和其他资源就行了 kaixin.gif

nsgoh 2004-10-14 15:45
我玩"狮心王"一会儿就觉得很无趣了.... 现在又没有什么好玩的游戏都不懂要不要把它删了....

Triple-E 2004-10-14 17:09

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