2004-12-23 10:45 |
一个Sega Master System模拟器 -Zip support, no need to unzip ROMs anymore. -SN76489 sound support. -Tv filter: nice filter effect emulating TV interleaves (see smurf screenshot). -Sound capture in a playable wav file (-snd_shot option). -VDP sprites/Tiles priority. -Memory mappers totally rewritten. -Correct sprite display order. -Improve compatibility -Bug fix in interupt system. -Code speed up. -Windows build, with bloodshed's dev C++ (Read .txt for instructions !). zip支持,不在需要解压缩ROM SN76489声音支持 Tv过滤:在模拟TV interleaves时有更好的滤波效应 捕捉声音为wav VDP sprites/Tiles priority Memory mappers完全重写 Correct sprite display order 改进兼容性 加速编码
