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terrycat 2005-05-26 07:35


ClrMamePro 3.65 (26-May-2005)

- added: rom date support
date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" is the romtag in the datfile. Dates are MS-DOS valid dates 1980-2107 or something. HH is an hourvalue in 24h format. In the scanner you can check/fix romdates (if specified in the dat). Rebuilder creates automatically the correct date in any case. Merger doesn't care about dates at the moment. Dir2Dat / Datexport can create/export dates, too. Setinfo shows date. Other Scanner fix operations should be aware of romdates, too...

- misc: some minor speed improvements here and there
- fixed: a receive-data issue when you got a binary with the same name in cmpro dir
- fixed: some test results aren't directly shown if the rom was marked as wrong named


晕倒的鱼 2005-05-28 14:16

fuqun 2005-05-28 14:49

blueskywater 2005-05-29 14:17

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