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fujingdcn 2005-06-11 16:26

Posted by wraggster At 4:32
GPF (Troy Davis) who recently joined us as a hosted site has released his Neo Geo Pocket Emulator for the Dreamcast, heres what he posted in this Forum Topic ( http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=31963#post31963 )

"This is a port of NeoPop-SDL-0.2

This is a very beta build right now.
Still a little slow and DAC sound doesnt work. But sound and sfx work.
State and Flash files are saved to a vmu in first slot, they are rather large (98 blocks for a state save, 7 blocks for a flash save),
flash is only saved if you load a new rom right now.

Press both triggers and start to return to the menu and keep pressing start to return to previous menu or back to gameplay.

Emulator support nested directories for roms.

Enjoy, download the source and improve it please

Troy Davis (GPF)
http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/ "

森林 2005-06-16 16:55
Why don't you translate Chinese?

akito306 2005-07-02 11:53

huigy 2005-07-03 01:59

amd0318 2005-07-11 10:28
又是英文...........我快暈了 都看不懂

tonglimin 2005-07-12 09:53

qiancharle 2005-07-12 17:45

kunfanny 2005-07-25 16:21

qiancharle 2005-07-30 17:50
DC的 内存真的不支持大点的ROM吗?

xingyeodin 2005-07-31 15:50

wenhuibb 2005-07-31 17:34
Neo Geo Pocket Emulator for the Dreamcast

自由的风儿 2005-07-31 18:26
.....................................两眼发晕中 楼主可以翻译一下吗

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