playstation3 |
2005-06-12 10:13 |
2007年上映。 Fox负责国际发行
Halo Movie Rights Acquired by Fox and Universal By: César A. Berardini - "Cesar" Jun. 10th, 2005 10:30 am Halo 2 (Xbox)REVIEWSPREVIEWSMOVIESSCREENSHOTSINTERVIEWSCHEATSNEWS Variety reports that 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures have acquired the movie rights for Halo. Both film studios will split the costs as well as the film distribution:
People familiar with the talks say Universal is leading the way on a deal that would divide the pic's cost on a 50/50 basis between Fox and U: The former would take international and the latter would handle domestic distribution.
According to, Microsoft got half the money it was initially asking for the Halo script penned by Alex Garland (28 Days Later):
Lazlo's spies tell me that Fox and Universal are working out a deal to buy Halo for $5 million; split costs. It is about half of what they were asking for on Monday, but it is more coin then our drunk asses will ever see. The movie should be in theaters by 2007. |