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terrycat 2005-07-26 08:12


3.71a (25-Jul-2005)

misc: compiled with updated zipclass library (incl. zlib 1.2.3)
misc: rebuilder log shows '[exists]' for already existing destination files
misc: showing progress info when couting files
misc: don't allow moving of not used/new datfiles anymore
misc: don't allow renaming of not used/new datfiles & profile in use anymore
misc: don't allow renaming of profiles with romcenter or xml based datfiles
misc: changed several profiler texts
misc: old kept scan results won't be loaded this time due to format changes. They will be replaced directly with the new format after a scan though
fixed: scanner: fixdatfile lists wrong entries
fixed: profiler: renaming profile without datfile header, kills the datfile


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