經過一段時間的 Bata 測試官方終於在 9 月 17 日發佈了 2.4 版,新版本加入了繁體中文及簡體中文的介面支援... 簡體中文的翻譯部份為 UltimaClaud 製作,繁體中文的翻譯部份為小弟我製作... 特別感謝 UltimaClaud 找我參與製作繁體中文部份,要不然大家就看不到現在的繁體中文支援了...
簡體作者 UltimaClaud 在 EZ 的原話: 原帖連結:http://bbs.emu-zone.org/showthread.php?t=326302
引用 MSX作为FC时代叱咤风云的著名游戏电脑,涌现了不少脍炙人口的作品。所以又拥有大量的模拟器~~~ 撇开共享的模拟器不谈(其实共享的那几个也不怎么样-_-),blueMSX算是其中的佼佼者。 无论是亮丽的界面,完美的兼容性,还是各式各样的特效~~~ 月前,我联系了作者,有幸能制作官方简体语言文件~~~ 之后又拜托了nhlay老大完成了繁体语言文件。 这一期间经历了多次beta,我的简体翻译也作了多次修正。 我并不是nhlay老大那样的汉化大师,所以,一定有很多翻译上的错误和不妥~~~ 所以恳请大家的赐教! 先谢过~~~并祝大家玩得愉快! 下载请致官方主页——http://www.bluemsx.com/
引用 blueMSX release history
v 2.4 September 17,2005
Main changes in this version extend the features of the emulator in different domains :
- blueMSX had already support for all MSX machines and for some pre-MSX1 machines like the SVI-318/328 computers and the ColecoVision console, it has now support for the first Sega console, the SG-1000.
This addition comes from Ricardo Bittencourt, a well-known and very talented Brazilian programmer, who has rejoined the blueMSX developer's team.
- A new synchronisation mode has been added, it is linked to the PC Vertical Blank and does a linear interpolation of the MSX frames to match the PC monitor frequency.
It allows to get a video result that is almost as smooth as on a real MSX, but requires a very powerful PC and a videocard that supports this mode.
- The audio mixer is now, like the keyboard editor, a theme-written plugin and appears in an apart draggable window.
This evolution of the emulator is a first step to prepare a future Linux version. To reach this goal, more code must indeed become free from the Windows OS.
Which are the other changes ?
In the emulator : - Added support for MSX-MIDI OUT in generic Turbo-R machines and in Panasonic FS-A1GT, with checkbox to map the MT-32 instruments to General MIDI - Added support for the mapper and the soundchip (VLM5030) of the Konami Keyboard Master, an unreleased and rare cartridge - Improved SCC emulation to support the NYYRIKKI's sample players - Rewrote completely the interrupt support - Added support for renewed CAS and DSK databases in XML format with SHA1 values - Extended the CAS database with new entries and with data for the corresponding WAV files - Added support for Chinese language (Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional) - Added 5 new generic MSX machines : MSX1 Arabic, MSX1 French, MSX1 Russian, MSX1 Spanish, MSX2 Swedish - Added the RS232 rom in all generic MSX machines - Improved the SVI memory management - Added support for the SVI-603 Coleco game adapter - Added 2 SVI-328 machines with second video card (80 columns) - Fixed different bugs
In the debugger : - Added support for Chinese and Korean languages - Added a window with list of values in the I/O ports - Added a window to read and edit values of peripheral registers (VDP and PSG) - Added saving of a disassembly in a text file - Added saving of the memory in a binary file
In the tracer : - Added support for Chinese and Korean languages