小精灵 |
2006-03-05 11:19 |
AFK - This is easy: Away From Keyboard. BAK - The companion to BRB (see below), this is Back At Keyboard. I tend to just write "back" when I return. BBS - Though still in use as the acronym for Bulletin Board System, most chatters use it for Be Back Soon. BRB - One of the most popular acronyms in cyberspace, BRB stands for Be Right Back. BBIAB - Similar to BRB, this means Be Back In A Bit. Similarly, there's BBIAF, which is Be Back In A Few and BBIAS, which is Be Back In A Sec. c-ya - A quick'n'easy way to say "seeya". hb - Say this to someone who's going away. It means Hurry Back! re - This isn't an acronym, but it's short for re-hi, a derivative of re-hello, both of which were commonly used eons ago on the online system chats, such as CompuServe. Basically, it's used to welcome people back to the room/channel. Note that people will also add more "e"s to the end, so expect people to say reeeeeeeeeee, too. WB - Quite simply, it means Welcome Back.Emotional Responses
LOL - One of my personal pet-peeves, LOL is Laughing Out Loud. I don't know why it bothers me, but I just usually stick to typing out <laugh> or doing /me laughs. (which, in IRC, will show up as * juliebug laughs.).
ROTFL - Another well-used acronym, it stands for Rolling On The Floor Laughing. Note that you will undoubtedly see ROFL as well, which means the same thing, only the T is dropped from the acronym. You will also see RO(T)FLMAO, standing for Laughing My A** Off. <g> - This stands for <grin>. Variations on this theme include <eg> for <evil grin>, <beg> for <big evil grin> and, of course, <vbeg> for <very big evil grin> Then, of course, are the smiley faces. No doubt you've seen them. Some examples:
:) - Your typical smiley face. =) - Another happy face. :D - Wide smile. :( - A frown. :/ - A confused/disappointed look. :P - Tongue sticking out. :Þ - Another tongue. (to do this, hold down ALT, and then on the number pad part of your keyboard, type 0222 and then release ALT) ;) - A winking smiley. :-) - Just a larger smiley, with a nose. ;-) - Winking smiley, with a nose.
^_^ - Happy ^_~ - Winking O_O - Wide-eyed with surprise/shock
AKA - Also Known As. ASAP - You may recognize this one from "real" life... As Soon As Possible. FAQ - Pronounced as "fack", it stands for Frequently Asked Questions. GMTA - Not Gates McFadden's Teaching Assistant, believe it or not. It's really Great Minds Think Alike. Variations include SMTA: Simple/Sick Minds Think Alike IIRC - If I Recall Correctly. IMHO - In My Humble Opinion. There's also IMO (In My Opinion) and IMNSHO (In My Not-So Humble Opinion). IRL - In Real Life, meaning the life you lead when you're not logged on to the Internet. (you mean you're supposed to log off?) j/k - Just Kidding. You may also see this without the slash separating the letters. NM - Never Mind. OTOH - On The Other Hand. TTYL - Talk To You Later. WTG - Way To Go. |