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xiao555 2006-07-02 18:11

PS模拟器pSX 更新至1.6。
v1.6 Fixed missing characters in WildArms battles (GTE flags inaccuracy)
  Fixed GTE bugs that caused missing graphics in Tombraider Chronicles
  Fixed recompiler bug that cause Tomraider Chronicles to crash
  Add missing CDROM functionality that caused DW7 to hang during FMVs
  Emulator can now be full screened on any monitor (autodetect or force)
  Fixed bug that caused XA audio to cut out (often during fastforward)
  Added support for CloneCD and ISO CD images
  Made BIN images work even if CUE file is missing (not recommended)
  Added support for new CD image types to CDZ
  Corrected aspect ratio in PAL modes
  Fixed bug where quick saves didn't work with certain games
  Fixed bug where F10 entered the menu instead of loading quick save
  More accurate SPU ADSR envelopes (including exponential modes)
  Initialise ADSR registers after SPU reset (fixes sound in Tombraider)

qqee888 2006-07-02 19:18
不错 ....有前途的模拟器...不过偶习惯OGL2拉

segaotian 2006-07-03 15:03
对这个模拟器不太了解 目前完成度如何?

xiao555 2006-07-03 15:15

Del1998 2006-07-03 16:05
引用第3楼Xiao5552006-07-03 15:15发表的“”:


xiao555 2006-07-03 16:14

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