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YZB 2006-11-16 02:06




LTK has posted at DCiberia the current status of his PC Engine emulator, and he says that hopefully it'll "get somewhere" in a short (or not so long) term.

LTK @ DCiberia forums (partially translated) wrote:
- Loads games in *.pce format
- Good sound
- Medium speed, but playable
- I still haven't got the chance to try the game isos in cdrom, I get an error from dctool (program to load things on Dreamcast); maybe burning a CD wouldn't give that error, but I still expect to fix it. The PC compilation loads, I've tried Dracula X and it works.
- Rtype II looks good, it uses a different resolution; on previous tests it gave me trouble.

What's next:
- Testing isos
- Adding a GUI to make testing easier
- Trying more games
- Speed
- ... blah blah blah

A couple of really short youtube vids to check it out: PC Kid and R-Type II


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