查看完整版本: [-- 【新闻】多机种模拟器Mednafen 0.7.0(支持PC-FX!) --]

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lzsgodmax 2006-12-23 10:49


December 22, 2006 - Mednafen 0.7.0 and Mednafen-Server 0.3.0 released
Sleeeeep, braaaaaiiins.

Read the ChangeLog, ChangeLog is good! This release as a whole should be considered beta-quality, since so many core changes have been made. PC-FX emulation in this release is very pre-alpha-ish, but it does work with a couple of games(yay Chip Chan Kick), though without FMV...but you do need a dump of the PC-FX's BIOS ROM, which I won't provide, so you'll just have to write a program and burn it to a CD-R to dump the BIOS ROM using pulse-width modulation sound output like I did, nyaaaah~

A few happy additions:

* Button settings saved in plain-text mednafen.cfg file. No more evil inputmap.cfg!
* Better network play console. FEEL the fuzzy networking.
* Support for 6-button PC Engine gamepad emulation.
* Support for PC Engine mouse emulation. If you're smart, you can play 2-player Lemmings with mice over netplay...probably. ^_^
* New internal font!
* More sound drivers(ALSA and jack) available for UN*X.
* Short help screen by pressing F1 screen.


huanghao7908 2006-12-23 15:33
好东西 谢谢分享了 呵呵

xiao555 2006-12-24 09:39

jerrvy 2006-12-25 21:39

lzsgodmax 2006-12-25 21:59

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