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lzsgodmax 2007-01-27 10:22



FBA Release

Ooops! Here's a very quick bug fix release.

  * Fixed bug in System 16 sound - won't test with volume down in future!

FBA Release

A new FBA with System 16A emulation. Not sure what's up with the FBA forums - if they're not back online in the next few days I'll open an FBA forum here.

Here's the what's new;

  * Added Sega System 16A driver supporting Action Fighter, Alex Kidd, Fantasy Zone, Quartet, Shinobi and Time Scanner
  * Added various clones to the CPS-2 driver as the keys are now known
  * Added driver for Street Fighter Alpha CPS-Changer
  * Various renames and XOR removals to match MAME 0.111u5
  * Improved save state support in numerous drivers
  * Dropped the "(BH)" monikor from the App title

增加了Sega System 16A基板模拟的改进,另外针对cps2再一次大换血...

拉菲尔 2007-01-27 16:11
更新满快的,希望fpa plus能跟上……

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