查看完整版本: [-- 【下载】[HTTP][PS]迪士尼-大力神海格力斯[美版][過期時間:2007-02-14 22:00] --]

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ken-mkii 2007-02-11 22:23

PS美版遊戲第捌拾參彈!! [SLUS-00529]迪士尼-大力神海格力斯

1.因是家里自架設的Web服務器, 故限制了只能單線程下載; 支持續傳功能.
2.因條件關係, 限制了同時可連接人數, 推荐用FlashGet只類的續存軟件排隊下載.
, 不要私自把資源發到其它站台或論壇, 如想其他人也下到本遊戲, 請介紹他/她到本站下載.

遊戲番號: SLUS-00529
英文名稱: Disney's Hercules
中文名稱: 迪士尼 - 大力士(台) / 迪士尼 - 大力神海格力斯(中)
支援語言: 英語
發售日期: 1997/07/01
遊戲類別: 動作過關



[SLUS-00529][U] Disney's Hercules.rar [217M][過期時間:2007-02-14 22:00]

所有本人發佈的遊戲ISO皆為完全版! (導絕Mini ISO)
本遊戲已用VGS測試過, 可完美運行; 其它的模擬器請妆Ρπ測試 (因在下的電腦配置太低, 跑不了ePSXe等其它的模擬器)
最後, 請大家多多支持~~~

mtkn 2007-02-11 22:42
Well I've just found out that your games will expire . Gotta download it now ...

YZB 2007-02-11 22:45

mtkn 2007-02-11 23:36

Why did you say that ?

ken-mkii 2007-02-11 23:59
引用第3楼mtkn2007-02-11 23:36发表的“”:

Why did you say that ?

It means that he owns the demo version ISO only... Understand?

mtkn 2007-02-12 00:29
Yes , I understand .

"Understand ?" is a pretty rude sentence in English...wish you knew that...

ken-mkii 2007-02-12 01:58
引用第5楼mtkn2007-02-12 00:29发表的“”:
Yes , I understand .

"Understand ?" is a pretty rude sentence in English...wish you knew that...

Since you asked a idot quiz... - -

BTW, as you can read chinese, how come you wrote english here? Huh...?

mtkn 2007-02-12 12:56
Idiot ? You really know how to offend people...If you don't know something and you ask it and the person who answers the question say that you're idiot you'll know what I feel...

I don't write CHinese because I'm not good at it...That's all.

ken-mkii 2007-02-12 13:59
Anyway, just forgive what I said last night... Since I was in bad mood... - -

Umm... Are you chinese?? Or...?

Where are you from...

mtkn 2007-02-12 14:13
Don't mention it , since we have dissimilarity in our language .

Of course I'm not CHinese ( I wish I were Chinese when I'm browsing this forum )

Well , I'm Vietnamese .

PS : Your English is pretty good , isn't it ?

ken-mkii 2007-02-12 14:54
oic... My english is so called "better than nothing"...

I come from Hong Kong, it is why my english skill is better than whom was born in China....

Well... PS1 is still popular in Vietnam??

How about those new console such as PS2, PS3, NGC etc..?

mtkn 2007-02-12 15:25
Yes PS2, PS3 and a lot of other things are popular in my country nowadays but for poor people like me ps1 is still something cool .
To say the truth , ps1 still has a lot of great games which can't be ignored . But the main reason is : "my computer can only handle ps1's emulator and I don't have money to buy anything"

Next year my mom will buy a new comp for me then I will be able to use SSF , PCSX2 , Chankast , Magice Engine Fx and...oh so many things...

ken-mkii 2007-02-12 16:29
= =... You're still a student...?!

BTW, we should stop here coz this is not a chatting post.

mtkn 2007-02-12 18:21
I thought off-topic is one of this castle's tradition ( this is what Xiao555 said ) . Anyway , I will stop now , keep up your great job .

chh 2007-02-13 12:04

max1115 2007-02-14 01:24

忧郁的心 2007-02-14 11:08

达芬奇 2007-02-18 00:59

gangouyu 2007-02-25 19:00

sc521234 2007-02-28 13:25

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