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lzsgodmax 2007-02-28 16:58


  * Big update to the System 16 drivers - these drivers are still preliminary and thus still have issues (major issues only listed);
  * Dynamic memory maps for System 16B are not emulated
  * Row and Column scroll not emulated for System 16A and B
  * Alernate tilemap select for System 16B not emulated
  * Some of the FD1094 encrypted games require a driver reset after loading before they boot
  * There are plenty of other small issues as well but most games are running well
  * Added driver for Biomechanical Toy (biomtoy) [kev, cleanup by BisonSAS]
  * Fixed blank tile bug in the Prehistoric Isle driver
  * Fixed bad tiles in The King of Fighters 99 driver [BisonSAS, Ryo, Robert, Yuri, Takuma)
  * Updated the CPS-1 drivers to allow brightness control in the palette
  * Removed the XOR from spf2ta now the decryption key is known
  * Cleanup to the Bombjack driver [BisonSAS]
  * Fixed issues with savestates in several drivers
  * Changed the game selection dialog again
  * Added/fixed several non-Latin titles [doomking, BisonSAS
  * Updated several romsets to match MAME 0.112u3
  * Fixed the perl script that generates the driver list so that sets can be assigned to debug builds only again


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