无心 |
2007-06-21 23:19 |
ukn9000001 = the update cannot be started. the data is corrupted. 无法升级,数据已损坏.(更改官方升级文件中的数据引起)
fffffed3 = unknown (might be decryption error) 未知(可能是解码错误引起)
ffffffff = psp update failed psp升级失败(2.00降1.50后99%时出现)
8001xxxx是 标准 libc (and the error numbers correspond to the posix errno.h constants).
80000025 = the system cannot be updated. the update program is not applicable for the system.此系统无法升级,升级程序
不对应此系统([psp-1007 japan]1.52升级至2.00再试图用mpd downgrader降级至1.5时出现,检察系统版本为1.00,
80010002 = the game could not be started 游戏无法运行(如:在1.50上运行psp radio和rin gb emulator出现)
80010013 = device / media not found 设备/媒体未找到(记忆棒未格式化或记忆棒格式无法识别,可能是记忆棒坏了)
80010087 = the game could not be started 游戏无法运行
8001b002 = unknown 未知
80020001 = kernel errors 内核错误(出这个错的人,我无语了)
80020001 = generic kernel error (default) 通常性内核错误(缺省)
800200d9 = failed to allocate the memory block 分配内存不足(溢出?!)失败
800200e4 = the game could not be started 游戏无法运行(umd被取出)
80020130 = file read error 文件读取错误
8002032c = unknown 未知(试图在1.50下运行高版本用游戏或2.xx用自制程序)
80020148 = prx type unsupported prx文件缺失(2.xx不用elorder程序或hen直接进入自制程序出现)
800244c = kernel errors 内核错误(出这个错的人,我无语了)
80100d00 = the channel could not be added (adding rss in browser) 此频道无法添加(在因特网浏览器中添加rss频道时发
80110305 = load failed.the memory stick? could not be acessed. 读取失败,记忆棒无法
(此错误发生在当我玩 need for speed most wanted 5-1-0 返回时. 简单的说是存档文件损坏,但是并未损坏, 仅仅
是无法长时间玩此游戏. 奇怪的是, 这个错误说我的记忆棒有问题, 但是一切正常.)
80110482 = occurs when test of wlan infrastructure connection fails. 测试无线连接失败或发生错误(如:连接时关闭wifi开关)
80220087 = unknown 未知
80220180 = format failed. 无法格式化(格式化时弹出记忆棒)
80410001 = network errors 网络错误
80410410 = cannot connect to the given acess point 无法接入热点.(密码错误或ip地址等网络错误引起)
80410a0b = internal error 内部错误.
80410d07 = unknown (possibly wlan) 未知(可能是无线连接引起)
80410d09 = a connection error has occured. 发生连接错误.
80410d11 = a connection error has occured (during test connection) 发生连接错误.(测试无线连接时出现 |