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风雅小阁 2007-08-05 12:11

作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:22    标题: A while back 前阵子
A while back means some time in the past.Also, a while ago. This term uses a
while in the sense of "a short or moderate time," a usage dating from about
A while back意思是一段时间以前,过去的某个时间。也可以说a while ago。从1300年开始,while可以 代表并不长的一段时间。
例:I ran into Barbara a while back but didn't get her new address.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:22    标题: Absent without leave 擅离职守
Absent without leave means to be away without permission or explanation. The
term and its acronym, AWOL, originated in the American military during World War
I for soldiers absent from duty without permission (leave). It later was
transferred to civilian situations.

Absent without leave的意思为擅离职守,原本是一战时期的军事用语,后在日常生活中的到流传。Leave在这里是“请假”的意思。
例: Her daughter went to the mall but got in trouble for being absent without
leave. 妈妈很生气女儿没打招呼就擅自去逛商场。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:23    标题: Keep it down 不要吵
Keep it down
Keep it down means to be quiet, do not be noisy, pipe down 
Dad called to us, "Keep it down, eh. We're trying to go to sleep."
Keep it down的意思是安静下来,不要吵
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:24    标题: Above suspicion 无可怀疑的
So trustworthy as never to be suspected of wrongdoing, as in "The wife of Caesar
must be above suspicion" (Charles Merivale, A History of the Romans under the
Empire, 1850). The phrase was given further currency when it was used for the
title of a very popular World War II spy film starring Joan Crawford ( Above
Suspicion, 1943).
above suspicion形容某个人太值得信赖,而不需要被怀疑。最初来自1850年A History of the Romans under the
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:24    标题: ace in the hole 秘密武器
A hidden advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed. The term comes from
stud poker, where each player is dealt one card face down--the so-called hole
card--and the rest face up. Should the hole card be an ace, the player has a
hidden advantage. Hole here simply means "a hiding place." In the 19th-century
American West, the expression was used to refer to a hidden weapon, such as a
gun concealed in a shoulder holster. By the 1920s it had become a metaphor for
any surprise advantage or leverage.
ace in the
例:The prosecutor had an ace in the hole: an eyewitness. 检举人有秘密武器(神秘王牌):目击者。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:25    标题: Downtime 停工期
Time needed to repair a machine
When you own a computer, you have to expect some downtime. 
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:26    标题: Shell out 付款
It means to pay money for, fork over 
How much did you shell out for that calculator? Thirty dollars? 
Shell out的意思为付款。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:28    标题: Babe in arms 很小的婴孩
It means infant.Although the word "babe" for baby has been used since the 1300s,
this phrase describing a child too young to walk (and hence having to be
carried) dates only from about 1900.
eg: She's been a family friend since I was a babe in arms.
Babe in arms为还不会走路的婴儿,形容特别小、需要被抱着的孩子。Babe一词从十三世纪便开始使用,但是Babe in arms从十九世纪才开始流行。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:28    标题: Put one's foot down 拒绝
It means to say no, say you cannot do that, no way 
When the kids ask if they can go to a restricted movie, I put my foot down. 
Put one's foot down的意思是拒绝,对...说不
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:29    标题: Strike while the iron is hot
It means to act or take advantage of an opportunity at the right moment, when
the person is most likely to succeed.
eg: You should strike while the iron is hot.
      If you want to get a higher degree, you should strike while the iron is
Strike while the iron is hot的意思为趁热打铁,就是机会一旦来临,一定要抓住,才能得到最好的结果。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:30    标题: Be up in the air 悬而未决的
It means not to be decided yet.
eg: The company is going to build a new factory, but the location is still up in
the air.
    They are eager to see the band U2 in concert, but their tour schedule is
very much up in the air.
Be up in the air 的意思为悬而未决的,还未定下来的。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-19 23:31    标题: Be under pressure 在压力之下
It means to live work in a way that causes you feel anxiety and worry.
eg: Some people perform well under pressure and some others don't.
Athletes must perform well under extreme pressure especially in big events such
as Olympic Games.
Be under pressure的意思为在压力中紧张、担忧地工作或生活。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 11:46    标题: Cut through 轻松穿过
It means to move easily and smoothly through something.This phrasal verb can't
be separated.
eg: The boat cut through the water.
Cut through的意思是轻松而顺利地穿过某物。Cut和through不能分开。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 11:48    标题: The best advice is found on
the pillow 明天也许就会好的
If someone says, "The best advice is found on the pillow," he/she means that it
might not be good to worry about your problem now. You may be able to solve the
problem after a good night's sleep. People often say "I'll sleep on it" to
express the same idea.
eg: I don't think we can come up with any more answers tonight because we're all
tired. Let's sleep on it. The best advice is found on the pillow.
The best advice is found on the pillow的意思是你最好先别担心,睡一觉也许明天一切就会好了。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 11:49    标题: In the same boat 处境相同
It means to be in the same unpleasant situation as other people.
eg: If he loses his job he'll be in the same boat as any other unemployed
In the same boat的意思为和其他人一样面临同样不好的局面,处于不好的位置。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 12:37    标题: Eat your fill 尽情地吃
It means to eat until you are satisfied, eat as much as you can
eg: Eat your fill. You won't have another meal till we get home. 
Eat your fill的意思是尽情地吃、享用
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 12:39    标题: Sharpen up 认真思考
It means to think carefully, use your intelligence
eg: If I make a mistake, I don't want him telling me to sharpen up.
Sharpen up的意思是认真思考,用用大脑
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 15:35    标题: Shipshape 井井有条
It means that everything is clean and orderly, ready for inspection
eg: We're ready for the demonstration. Everything is shipshape. 
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 15:38    标题: You can lead a horse to water,
but you can't make it drink
It means you can give someone the opportunity to learn or to do something, but
you can never force him to accept that opportunity.
Eg: Greg always complains about not having enough money. I showed him an ad I
saw in the newspaper for a part-time job. He said it was a good idea, but he
never called the phone number. I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you
can’t make it drink.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 17:02    标题: Under oath 立誓说真话
It means to promise to tell the truth in court.
eg: At the trial you will be asked to tell your story under oath.
Under oath在法律上指发誓讲真话。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 22:52    标题: Eager beaver 干事卖力的人
Eager beaver is a very hard-working individual, anxious to succeed.The person
puts in many hours and is always busy. There is a strong desire for promotion
and high compensation.
Beaver是指海獭,它的前肢较后肢短,擅于用爪挖掘东西及筑巢,十分卖力,故此,Eager beaver用来比喻做事干劲十足的人。 但大家要注意,有时
Eager beaver 略带贬意,形容特别卖力工作,以达到某些目的的人,用来指“做事特别卖力气的人(特别指做事过于卖力气以讨好上司的人)”。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 22:55    标题: Add fuel to the fire 火上浇油
Also, add fuel to the flames. Worsen an already bad situation, as by increasing
anger, hostility, or passion.This metaphor dates from Roman times--Livy used it
in his history of Rome--and it remains in common use.
eg: Bill was upset, and your making fun of his mishap just added fuel to the
Add fuel to the fire也可以说add fuel to the
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-20 22:57    标题: Ad nauseam 令人作呕地
Ad nauseam means to repeat something to a disgusting or ridiculous degree.
eg: She talks ad nauseam about how brilliant her children are.
Ad nauseam是一个副词,形容不断重复一件事情到令人作呕的地步。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-21 08:48    标题: Get gray hair from 为...操心
It means to be ery worried or upset by sth.
eg:I know I'm going to get gray hair from his driving.
Get gray hair from的意思是为什么事情操心,把头发愁白了
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-21 08:50    标题: Get a life 做点别的有益的事
Get a life is an American English idiom usually intended as a taunt. The phrase
generally instructs its addressee to go out and make their way in the world,
without being supported by outside sources such as parents or benefactors. It
may also be directed at someone who is perceived as boring or single-minded like
morons, to suggest they acquire some other, more practical interests or hobbies
and get dates, find a job, move to their own house etc.
The phrase is also used against people who are viewed as officious or
intermeddling in someone else's affairs. It is another way of saying "Get your
own life", or "Stay out of my business."
Get a
还有一种用法,可以对好插手别人事情的人说,意思是还是管管你自己吧。也可以说"Get your own life"或 "Stay out of my
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-21 19:50    标题: Pull someone's leg 开某人玩笑
It means to tease someone by saying something shocking as a joke.
eg: She said she saw the plane's wing fall off, but I think she was just pulling
my leg.
I didn't really steal his wallet. I was just pulling your leg. Actually, I found
it on the ground near his car.
Pull someone's leg的意思是说一些令对方惊讶的玩笑,并非中文扯后腿的意思。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-21 19:52    标题: Blogorrhea 博客多语症
A combination of "blog" and "logorrhea", which means cannot stop talking.
Blogorrhea means cexessive and/or incoherent talkativeness on a weblog.Typically
refers to meaningless ranting and raving on a blog.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-21 19:53    标题: Multitasking 没注意
A polite way of telling someone you haven't heard a word they said. Commonly
used on long conference calls, when the speaker is monotonous, boring, or
couldn't make a point of one were drawn for them. ... Joe: "Blah, blah corporate
office blah, blah, leverage proactively blah, blah human capital and grade-A
synergy, blah, blah. Do you agree, Jim?"
Jim: "I'm sorry, Joe, I was multitasking, can you repeat that?"
was multitasking,能重复一遍么?
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-22 09:39    标题: See the light 理解明白
It means to understand or believe something that you didn't before.
eg: The government finally saw the light and started to withdraw its troops from
the foreign country.
See the light的意思是明白了原来不明白的事情。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-22 09:41    标题: save one's bacon 救人于难
Also, save one's neck or skin. Rescue one from a difficult situation or harm.
The allusion in the first term is no longer clear. It may simply be a comical
way of referring to one's body or one's life. At the time it was first recorded,
in 1654, bacon was a prized commodity, so perhaps saving one's bacon was
tantamount to keeping something precious.
eg:, The boat capsized in icy waters, but the life preservers saved our skins.
save one's bacon也可以说save one's neck或者save one's
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-22 09:42    标题: A smart cookie 聪明的人
It is someone who is clever and good at dealing with difficult situations
eg:If anyone can make this company succeed, it's Kathy - she's one smart cookie.

A smart cookie用来形容那些会处理事情的聪明人。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-22 09:43    标题: Mainstream 主流的
Mainstream is, generally, the common current of thought of the majority. It is a
term most often applied in the arts (i.e., music, literature, and performance).
This includes:
? something that is ordinary or usual;
? something that is familiar to the masses;
? something that is available to the general public.
1. 平凡的
2. 大众熟悉的
3. 适合大众场合的
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-22 12:45    标题: Neck and neck 不相伯仲
So close that the advantage or lead shifts from one to the other or is virtually
indistinguishable. The term comes from horse racing, where the necks of two
horses in competition appear to be side by side.
eg: The two are neck and neck in developing a new operating system for the
Neck and neck的意思是二者十分相近,不分上下。最初源于赛马,形容两匹马并驾齐驱不分前后。

风雅小阁 2007-08-05 12:11
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-22 21:52    标题: stock up 囤货
It means to buy a lot of a particular thing, in case you cannot get it later, or
because it might be more expensive later.
eg: When there's a storm coming we always stock up on food and candles.
stock up的意思是特意大量购买某种东西,以备不时之需或者以免将来价格增高。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-23 15:21    标题: strike up 发起谈话
It means to begin a friendship, or a conversation. This phrasal verb can't be
eg:We struck up a friendship on the first day we met.
While he was waiting in the queue, he struck up a conversation
with the person in front of him.
strike up的意思为发起,但多数时候用于发起谈话。strike和up不能分开。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-23 15:22    标题: Pie in the sky 天方夜谭
It mean something unrealistic, not practical
When first invented, the car and phone were pie-in-the-sky ideas. Now we have
phones in cars. 
pie in the sky的意思是不切实际的东西。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-23 15:24    标题: Give me a ring 给我打个电话
It means to phone me, call me, ring me 
eg:Give me a ring when you get home from work.
Give me a ring的意思是给我打个电话,并非求婚的意思。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-23 15:26    标题: Axe 裁员
It means to eliminate someone from their job; to terminate employment.
eg: My old company axed me after they found out I had been sleeping on the job.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-23 16:54    标题: What goes around comes around
It means that when someone does something bad to another person, then eventually
that same bad thing will happen to him. A lot of people will say it when someone
does something bad to them -- indicating that they will take revenge.
eg: He felt guilty about what he did, with a feeling that what goes around comes
What goes around comes
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-23 21:31    标题: Money doesn't grow on trees
To say that money doesn't grow on trees means that it is not plentiful or easily
eg: "Be careful how you spend your money David.  It doesn't grow on trees you
Money doesn't grow on trees的意思是说钱来之不易或者钱很紧张,不够花了。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-23 21:32    标题: A fish out of water 格格不入的人
If you feel like a fish out of water , you  feel uncomfortable because of an
unfamiliar situation or unfamiliar surroundings.
eg: As a non-golfer, I felt like a fish out of water at the clubhouse.
A fish out of water的意思是来到陌生环境,对周遭感到格格不入的人。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 07:53    标题: Zillionaire 亿万富翁
A very, very rich person. Since it rhymes with 'million' and 'billion, 'zillion'
sounds huge, although it's not really a number.' A 'zillionaire' is like a
'millionaire' or a 'billionaire' but with even more money.
eg:Someday I'll be a zillionaire, just like Bill Gates!
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 07:53    标题: In a bind 处于困境
Also, in a box or hole or jam or tight corner or tight spot. In a difficult,
threatening, or embarrassing position; also, unable to solve a dilemma.All these
colloquial terms allude to places from which one can't easily extricate oneself.
The phrase using bind was first recorded in 1851; box, 1865; jam, 1914; tight
spot, 1852.
eg: He quit without giving notice and now we're really in a bind.
In a bind的意思是出于困境,也可以说in a box,in a hole, in a jam, in a tight corner或者in a
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 08:10    标题: Da bomb 最牛的
'Da bomb' is African-American slang that became popular in the 1990s. 'Da' is an
informal way to say 'the', and 'bomb' refers to something very powerful and
explosive.So Da bomb means the best.
eg: Michael Jordan was da bomb -- he was the greatest basketball player ever!
Da bomb的意思是优秀的,最棒的,最牛的。Da是非正式用语中的the,bomb代表非常具有能量和爆破力的东西。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 08:11    标题: Blow off steam 减压
Also, let off steam. Air or relieve one's pent-up feelings by loud talk or
vigorous activity. This metaphoric term refers to easing the pressure in a steam
eg: Joan's shouting did not mean she was angry at you; she was just blowing off
Blow off steam的意思是通过大声喊出来或者一些活动来释放压力,也可以说是let off steam。这种说法与早期给蒸汽机减压有关。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 08:12    标题: Sugar daddy 蜜糖老爹
Literally, your 'daddy' is your father, but in this phrase 'daddy' refers to any
man who takes care of you. And 'sugar' is something that makes things sweet and
enjoyable. So a 'sugar daddy' is a man who gives woman lots of enjoyable things,
like cars and diamonds and money.
eg: My sugar daddy bought me a new car! 
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 08:13    标题: Psyched up 精神上准备好
Mentally ready, prepared, excited, pumped, up for something they will do.
eg: The football players are really psyched up for the game on Friday.
Psyched up的意思是在精神上为即将做的事情做好准备或者感到兴奋、干劲十足。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 08:22    标题: Put the moves on 追求某人
It means to seduce someone you like.
eg: My brother is trying to put the moves on my best friend because he thinks
she is pretty.
Put the moves on的意思是对喜欢的人“展开追求”。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 19:40    标题: Do sth blindfolded 轻松搞定
Able to do something easily and quickly.
eg: We were able to fix the computer blindfolded. It was just a small problem!
Do sth blindfolded的意思是被蒙上眼睛依然能够做好事情,表示做某件事轻而易举。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 19:41    标题: Walk on eggshells 如履薄冰
If you have to walk on eggshells when with someone, you have to be very careful
because they get angry or offended very easily.
eg: Everyone at the company was walking on eggshells until we heard that no one
would be fired.
Walk on eggshells的意思是小心翼翼地行动以免引起某个非常敏感的人不高兴。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 19:42    标题: Space cadet 神游太虚的人
Someone who is generally unaware, or not paying attention, or out of touch with
reality. A 'cadet' is a student, usually at a military school, and 'space' is
the place outside the earth's atmosphere, where the moon and the stars are. So a
'space cadet' is someone in training to float around in empty space, doing
nothing but looking at the pretty stars.
eg: Suzie is a real space cadet -- I don't think she even knows what day it is. 

Space cadet一般用来形容某人感觉迟钝、心不在焉或者不切实际。cadet通常用来表示军事学校的学生,space是有浪漫星星月亮的外太空。因此Space
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-24 19:43    标题: Come clean 坦白交待
To come clean about something means to tell the truth.
eg: It is time to come clean on your dirty secret.
Come clean意思是“全盘招供;和盘托出”,通常指交待不光彩的事情或者长久以来希望隐藏的秘密。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 00:20    标题: Hush-hush 秘密的
'Hush' means 'quiet'. So something that is 'hush-hush' should not be discussed
or exposed in public. This phrase dates back to Word War I, when it referred to
military secrets.
eg: The operation was so hush-hush that even the commanding officer didn't know
all of the details.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 00:21    标题: Black sheep 不肖子
The least reputable member of a group; a disgrace.  This metaphor is based on
the idea that black sheep were less valuable than white ones because it was more
difficult to dye their wool different colors. Also, in the 16th century, their
color was considered the devil's mark. By the 18th century the term was widely
used as it is today, for the odd member of a group.
For example, Uncle Fritz was the black sheep of the family; we always thought he
emigrated to Argentina to avoid jail.
例:Fritz 叔叔是家里的不肖子,我们一直认为他移居阿根廷是为了躲避牢狱之灾。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 08:41    标题: Pretty penny 花费巨大
If something costs you a pretty penny, it costs you a lot of money.
eg: That new car must have cost him a pretty penny!
Pretty penny的意思是很多钱。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 08:42    标题: Cool beans 酷毙
"Cool Beans" is a curious phrase that uses nonsense to bring humor into a joyful
exclamation. It originated in American pop culture during the late 1960s. Slang
of this time is known to center around illogical phrasings of words, and Cool
Beans is among the most durable lengthy late 60's era terms. It is used when
referring to something with a positive connotation. Much like other hip slang
words "Cool Beans" has faded with times, but can be heard occasionally by those
who've attempted to bring it back. It gained slight currency on the Tarew Marr
server of EverQuest, in the early to mid 2000's.
eg: That party was cool beans
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 21:25    标题: ASAP 尽快
Abbreviation of "As Soon As Possible"
We gotta do this project ASAP.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 21:27    标题: Walking dead 特别累还得工作的人
Someone who might be very tired and still performing their duties, known as the
walking dead.
eg: Man you didn't sleep last night.
    Too much work. I'm a zombie today. The walking dead.
Walking dead是指一个人虽然特别累了可还是要坚持工作、完成任务,好像行尸走肉一样无法思考,只是机械运动。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 21:29    标题: Quake in one's boots 不寒而栗
Also, shake in one's boots; quake or shake like a leaf.  Both quake and shake
here mean "tremble." These idioms were preceded by the alliterative phrase shake
in one's shoes in the late 1800s.  A similar expression was used by Chaucer, who
put it as quake like an aspen leaf, a particularly apt comparison since aspen
leaves have flattened stems that cause the leaves to quiver in the gentlest
eg: The very thought of a hurricane blowing in makes me quake in my boots.
Quake in one's boots和shake like a leaf的意思都是害怕得发抖。这个用法源于十七世纪末的头韵短语shake in one's
shoes。英国诗人乔叟曾说过quake like an aspen leaf,因为杨树叶的叶柄是扁平的,稍有微风便会摆动。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 21:30    标题: Explore all avenues 竭尽所能
If you explore all avenues, you try out every possibility in order to obtain a
result or find a solution.
eg: "We can't say it's impossible until we've explored all avenues."
To explore every avenue的字面意思是“搜索每一条大街”,利用了一切渠道, 通过一切可行的方法。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-25 21:31    标题: Yawner 乏味的东西
A 'yawn' is a sure sign that you are sleepy or bored. So yawner is something
boring or completely uninteresting.
eg: The film was a real yawner -- I fell asleep after the first twenty minutes.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-26 00:30    标题: Knuckle sandwich 迎面一拳
It means a punch in the face.A 'sandwich' is an assortment of food between two
pieces of bread, and 'knuckles' are the bones in your hand. So a 'knuckle
sandwich' is a fist that goes straight toward your mouth.
eg:  If you don't stop bothering me, you're going to get a knuckle sandwich.
Knuckle是手关节的意思,sandwich是可直接入口的三明治,所以Knuckle sandwich的意思就是拳头三明治,也就是照着嘴巴给人一拳。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-26 08:05    标题: Have a screw loose 脑子有问题
If someone has a screw loose, their behaviour is strange and they appear
slightly mad.
eg: She wears a fur coat in summer - she must have a screw loose!
Have a screw loose的字面意思是有一颗螺丝松了,出现了障碍,一般用来形容某人脑子有问题。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-26 08:07    标题: Eat lead 吃枪子
One who is shot at with a gun is said to 'eat lead'; as an exclamation, the
phrase is directed toward the intended target.A bullet is made of lead so when a
gun is fired at someone, the intended target might be 'eating lead' - that is,
bringing the bullet inside their body.
eg:  "Eat lead!" yelled the bank robber as he fired his gun at the police
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-26 20:23    标题: Make your mouth water 垂涎欲滴
Food can make your mouth water when it looks and smells extremely good.
eg: That delicious smell from the kitchen is making my mouth water.
Make your mouth water是指食物很诱人,让人垂涎欲滴。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-26 20:25    标题: Croak 死亡
Croak means to die.'Croak' refers to the sound that some animals make when they
eg: After grandpa croaked, I inherited his pickup truck.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-26 20:26    标题: Caught with your pants down
If you are caught with your pants down, you are caught doing something bad or
eg: Our neighbours were caught interfering with their electricity metre - caught
with their pants down!
Caught with your pants down的意思是正在做坏事的时候正好被别人抓到。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-27 10:37    标题: Feast your eyes on 大饱眼福
例:I opened a box of diamonds and said, "Feast your eyes on these!"
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-27 10:38    标题: Fight a losing battle 死马当活马医
If someone is fighting a losing battle, they are trying to do something even
when there is little chance of succeeding.
eg: The headmaster is fighting a losing battle trying to ban mobile phones at
Fight a losing battle字面上的意思是打一场必输的战役,含义是做一些几乎没有成功机会的事情,也就是俗话说的死马当活马医。
eg: 班主任试图禁止学生在校使用手机,但根本就是死马当活马医。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-27 10:39    标题: Sitting duck 活靶子
Definition: An easy target; someone or something who is defenseless, vulnerable,
or in a precarious situation.
eg: Out in the open field, the soldiers were sitting ducks for enemy snipers.
Sitting duck就是呆坐着不飞的鸭子,意思是很容易被打到的对象。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-28 08:27    标题: Make do with 将就使用
When you do not have the thing you need, whatever you can find, substitute,
eg: When our kids don't have toys, they make do with pots and pans. 
当你手头没有要使用的物品、工具等,需要使用另外一种东西替代的时候可以说Make do use。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-28 08:28    标题: A race against time 赶时间
If someone is in a race against time, they have to work very quickly in order to
do or finish something before a certain time.
A race against time的字面意思是和时间赛跑,就是说赶时间,努力在规定时间内完成某事。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-28 08:28    标题: Keep your head above water
Stay out of trouble, especially financial difficulties; also, keep up with work
or other demands.
eg:The work's piling up, but I manage to keep my head above water.
Keep your head above water的字面意思是让你的头保持在水面上,这里指避免陷入麻烦,也可以说可以完成某些工作或者满足某些需求。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-28 14:04    标题: Go through the roof 暴跳如雷
1. To become extremely angry:暴跳如雷,大发雷霆: 
Example: When I told Raymand that someone has taken his candy box away, he went
through the roof.

2. To grow, intensify, or rise to an enormous, often unexpected
Example: Operating costs went through the roof last year.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-28 14:05    标题: Catch on 理解、明白
It means to understand something new.
eg: Sabah is a good student. She catches on quickly.
Catch on的意思是理解、明白。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-28 14:06    标题: Shake off a habit 改掉某种习惯
Shake off a habit的意思是改掉某种习惯。
eg:  The best method to enhance foreign language capability is to try to shake
off the habit of using mother language as a learning aid and to use learning
language amid the practice. 
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:38    标题: Angel investor 天使投资者
An individual who provides capital to one or more startup companies. The
individual is usually affluent or has a personal stake in the success of the
venture. Such investments are characterized by high levels of risk and a
potentially large return on investment. 
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:39    标题: Think outside the box 解放思想
It means to think creatively; to approach a situation or problem in a new way.
This popular phrase is relatively recent. 'The box' refers to the normal, boring
way of doing things. When you think 'outside the box', you create new ideas and
methods for doing things.
Example: To solve this problem, we're going to have to think outside the box.
Think outside the box的意思是创造性思维,摆脱传统或者老套的思维模式来解决问题。The box在这里指和正常、乏味的行事方法,outside
the box便是为解决事情创造新的想法和途径。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:39    标题: Come to think of it 来想想看
When one considers the matter; on reflection.
eg: Come to think of it, I've been working here for five years.
Come to think of it的意思是让某人来思考某件事情。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:44    标题: Fight tooth and nail 全力以赴
Engage in vigorous combat or make a strenuous effort, using all one's resources.
This expression, with its allusion to biting and scratching, was first recorded
in 1576.
For example, I'm going to fight tooth and nail for that promotion.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:45    标题: Fight to the bitter end 奋斗到底
Bitter end有一种特殊的意义。船员把船尾系锚绳的柱子叫bitt。系在这柱子上的锚绳的尽头称为bitter end。所以to the bitter
end就是到了尽头,再没有多余的绳索了。Fight to the bitter end的意思就是奋斗到底,坚持不懈。
Eg:Mrs. Brown fought to the bitter end to keep her house, the only one left
after the developers tore down all the others. But after five years she gave up
and took the money. 
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:46    标题: On the ropes 濒临失败
被击倒在(拳击场的)栏索上; 即将完蛋, 这儿on the ropes意思还是处于极不顺利的境地。
这个习惯用语可能来自拳击赛。频频挨打的拳击手在对方的步步相逼下,退到赛台边缘,只能靠在赛台四周的绳索上;也就是on the
ropes,尽量避免被击倒甚至被击败。要是一名选手on the ropes,那他就是被逼到十分窘迫的地位、濒临失败了。
on the ropes意思是处境岌岌可危。我们再来听个例子。这是个好心人想对处境不佳的Bob伸出友谊之手。
例句-2:We ought to do something to cheer Bob up. He's really on the ropes these
days. He didn't get a promotion, and a few days later his wife fell ill and is
still in the hospital.
他说: 我们该去给Bob打打气。他最近可真不顺利,先是没得到提升,过几天他太太又病倒了。
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:46    标题: Too hot to handle 烫手山芋
Difficult; hard to deal with; controversial.
'Too hot to handle' comes from baseball, referring to a ball hit so hard that it
can't be caught. In this phrase, 'hot' means 'lively' or 'powerful', and
'handle' means 'take care of' or 'pick up'. The phrase is now used to describe
any situation that is hard to deal with or problematic.
Too hot to
eg: The editor thought the story about the president's girlfriend was too hot to
handle, so he refused to print it.
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:47    标题: Quick buck 快钱
Fast and easy profit; money made in a short period of time. 'Quick' means fast,
and 'buck' is slang for a dollar bill. Also can say easy money.
Quick buck的意思是短期内能够比较容易挣到的钱。Quick的意思是快速的,buck是美元的一种比较通俗的叫法。也可以说easy money。
例:Are you interested in making a long-term investment or in turning a quick
作者: yanding142857    时间: 2007-7-29 08:48    标题: Throw in the towel 举白旗
It means to quit.This phrase comes from boxing. When a boxer is too beat up to
continue, his coach throws a towel into the ring to signal that the fight is
hrow in the towel的意思是认输,来源于拳击比赛。当拳击手打不过对方,他的教练会抛一条毛巾入场,表示认输。
例:The company threw in the towel after losing all of its major customers.

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