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lzsgodmax 2007-12-20 17:48


Xe updates:

    * [Xe] Modified Cartridge / Floppy Disk / Memory Card behavior
    * [Xe] Modified D-Button behavior
    * [Xe] Modified dialog behavior when in fullscreen mode
    * [Xe] Implemented Mouse support
    * [Xe] Implemented options to load entire CD Image into memory
    * [Xe] Implemented command line options to explicitly load images
    * [Xe] Misc clean ups and fixes
    * [Xe] Fixed fullscreen resizing (Thanks to F1ReB4LL)
    * [Xe/Linux] Fixed fullscreen offsets on secondary heads
    * [Xe/Linux] Fixed improper joystick button clearing
    * [Xe/Linux] Xe For x86-64
    * [SG-1000] Implemented Card Catcher support
    * [Mark III] Fixed save state loading
    * [Mark III] Implemented Card Slot support
    * [PC Engine] Fixed Arcade Card RAM access
    * [PC Engine] Fixed 6-button Pad access
    * [PC Engine] Implemented Mouse support
    * [Mega Drive] Fixed Cartridge insertion algorithm
    * [Mega Drive] Fixed 6-button Pad access
    * [Mega Drive] Fixed Multi-Tap Access
    * [Mega Drive] Implemented Mouse support
    * [Super Famicom] Implemented Mouse support



村正 2007-12-22 21:30
还挺麻烦的 [s:273]

hibiki2046 2007-12-27 22:27

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