查看完整版本: [-- 【新闻】RockNES/Win32 v5.00 BETA 6 --]

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lzsgodmax 2008-02-11 09:52


** NOTICE ** This is beta version, might be unstable or buggy.

What's new for version 5.00 BETA 6 (02/10/2008)
- Major CPU fixes (timing and opcodes).
- Some PPU fixes, corrected VBlank flag behaviour.
- Some APU fixes, corrected frame IRQ timing.
- Fixed a bug in the sprite I/O register.
- Tweaked joypads polling/control and setup.
- Updated config file with the new blitter option 5.
- Binaries are no more compiled under Dev-C++ due to some annoyances.
- Usual tweaks, cleanups and debug code left removed.


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