From the creators of Gens and Neo4All comes... Gens4All!! 来自PC上GENS模拟器作者和NEO4ALL作者CHUI/FOX68K的梦幻组合产品——GEN4ALL!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am proud to announce the first release of the excellent Gens emulator to the Dreamcast. Chui, Stef and I have been working on this port about a year and a lot of assembly code had been translated into C. It is been a great effort but i really think it is worth it. At last, you can see all our finest in one shot. 他们开发了一年,并把电脑上GENS大部分的X86汇编代码转成了C代码。 The project is intented to bring high quality genesis emulation to the DC, not to mention game compatibility. 这个项目是为了在DC上运行高质量的MD模拟器,更不用提游戏的兼容性了。
At the moment, this alpha version features the following: 目前是ALPHA版,有以下特性: - Two SH4 assembly engines especially design for the DC.(两个为DC优化的SH4汇编核心) * FAME: Very fast M68000 emulation core written 100% in SH-4 assembly code. * FAZE: Z80 emulation core written 100% in SH-4 assembly code.
- Raw binary (.bin) and interleaved (.smd) ROM format support.(同时支持SMD和BIN格式的ROM) - GZip, Zip and 7-Zip compressed file format support.(居然还支持7-ZIP!) - YM2612 emulation core by Stef. - PSG emulation. - SDL Dreamcast implementation by Chui. - The sound is being emulated but not output yet, though.(声音被模拟了,但是没有输出,也就是说,模拟器目前没有声音) - On-screen menu.(有菜单了!)
Finally, I would like to thank Chui and Stef for everything they have accomplished to make this a reality.
The sources and binary for the DC can be found here: