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lzsgodmax 2008-09-16 22:50



I started to update neopop a bit, my goal is mainly to improve the debugger for easier homebrew coding.

http://pagesperso-orange.fr/franck.charlet/temp/NeoPop Update.zip

Core v0.72
- Removed some unnecessary code from the soundchip emulation.

Win32 v1.07
- User can now turn screen filtering on/off.
- Autofire didn't work with games checking fire buttons every 2nd frame.
- Used sticky buffers so sound output continues even when window focus is lost (provided that the emulation isn't paused).

I'm not sure to fully understand the console's hardware yet as i found some contradictory infos here and there (especially about that "PSG 6 tone simultaneous output." soundchip).

Have a nice day,


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