gaokun |
2009-06-08 17:35 |
忘了说,还有个不错的更新是支持显示长文件名了,不受8.3限制,方便多了。 Lokl2o` /8VP[i)u Release Candidate Version 3 of SD-boot version 0.4. :{NC-%4o0 c}3W:}lW What's new: =9kN
_:- izKfU?2]X@ * improved DOL support (up to 5.5mb) X7,PEA * 480p menu supported =%zLh<3v * added slot A support again @&D?e:|!U * fixed bogus file size errors |uW:r17 * ability to skip original disc requirement (hold B as it resets the drive) Z%GTnG|rG h^
)1g"?] ---------------------------------------------- Bl9jkq
] b':|uu*/ Release Candidate Version 2 of SD-boot version 0.4. Zo KcJA xEuN
What's new:
7PR#(ftz *9)SmSs * libfat for file browser (long file names) 1 T130L * libOGC for card initialization (higher compat) 0
ugT2% * no more overlapping memory regions (less crashes starting a game) #,{+3Y&5-+ * credits screen shows free space on sdcard mDh1>>K'~ * NTSC display offset fixed |