glf999 |
2009-06-30 11:09 |
这是下载到 README 里面的内容: ;c>IM] WcE/,<^* WiiSX beta 1 brought to you by Wii64Team (emu_kidid, sepp256, tehpola)
2-u9% f(*^zga, Usage: )}R
w@70L- .bin/.cue only supported. E`UEl$($ Place all your .bin/.cue & SCPH1001.BIN in sd:/PSXISOS/ m[?gN&%nc SDCard must be in before starting the .dol (duh) Vg?
1&8> 8
Jf4"; Known Issues: -$kAWP8P4 CDDA audio streaming is not implemented _
WHGd&u XA audio fails at times g h&,U` Final Fantasy VII crashes Dynarec #j${R={ FPS limit not working at times C?VNkBJ>\ d}]jw4 Credits: Qw/H7fvh& pcsx team Q2!vO4!<N pcsx-df A{QA0X!p pcsx 1.5-test3 mac version by Gil Pederson Q|:qs\6q5 P.E.Op.S. PSX Gpu ]kyGm2Ty9 Fop'm))C8 .
,n>#lL 好像是仅支持 BIN CUE 类型的 镜像文件 wO ?A/s ,qO2D_ 需要 PS 的 Bios 文件 ^
Nm!b '"Y(2grP 文件名是: SCPH1001.BIN ,hXhcfFl 放置位置:SD卡的根目录下的 /PSXISOS/ 文件夹中 |