You thought the DreamTrooper would be the last portablized Sega Dreamcast mod you'd ever see? Nah. Turns out some folk in China quietly showed off an Oriental take on the mod -- not too dissimilar from the form factor of the GameBoy Advance -- just before the DreamTrooper's debut. Details are thin here, but we're hoping for a built-in optical drive and a decent battery life. If we're lucky, some KIRF makers might pick up this idea and revive the legendary Dreamcast brand, so don't go selling your dusty game collection on eBay just yet. Go ahead and watch some The King of Fighters action after the break. We know the Swirl still
这句话看不懂:Turns out some folk in China quietly showed off an Oriental take on the mod,请英文达人解释。 你要是以为DREAMTOOPER是世界上最后一个世嘉DC改装掌机那就错了!??????--与GBA的外形封装有点类似--但早于DREAMTROOPER。可惜相关资料太少,但我们希望她有一个内建光驱和说得过去的电池续航。如果我们运气好的话,一些山寨机生产商可能会利用这个点子让DC主机重生的。所以说现在先不要把你尘封的游戏放到EBAY上卖掉。点击看一下这个KOF演示吧。我们相信,那个蚊香依然会迷住你的!