一、the pirate society, www.thepiratesociety.org, 说它是邀请论坛里数一数二的大概没人会反对吧。不过作为业界大佬,它家的规则也是最复杂的,注册的方法如下: Registration is Invitation-Only. If you're not a member and would like an invitation, you can take a short interview in our IRC invite channel. Server: irc.thepiratesociety.org Channel: #TPS-invites 简单地说就是要有个面试,如果你e文不过关可以等它开放,一年里总会有那么几次。
二、Torrent Invite, torrentinvite.com 也算老牌了,n久没去今天上去发现账号已经被封掉了。它家的注册方法要简单些,注意下面的第三条应该是最简单的。 Torrent Invite is a invite only site! There are several ways to join our site. 1. Find someone with an invite. Ask around you might be surprised who is already a member of our community. 2. Come back when we have open sign ups. A few days a month we will be open to new members. Keep checking back! 3. Join FileHoard.com This is our official sister site and we will be handing out invites to members who get involved over there. e文不行的话就等开放。
三、Invite Nation, http://www.invitenationv2.org/forum/ 极其低调的站点,但内容非常丰富,经常有顶级的邀请提供。注册方法是irc面试: invitenationv2.org #invitenation Main Channel, #interview to become a member。