full features list revealed: O&
1z- }1mkX\wWP Boots: v[\GhVb Originals and backups from DVD {yFMY?6rf ISO from SD/SDHC (FAT16/FAT32 supported) ^8=e8O GCOS/Cobra Multi-Game compilations on DVD *pYawT DOL executables from SD/SDHC/DVD (ISO9660) 0O?\0k;o WODE ISO files from HDD/DVD (when running on a Wii) #
('GGzL6c tI<6TE'!p# Supports: N *,[(q Multi-mode menu (PAL50/PAL60/NTSC/480p) m>^vr7 Video mode patching (PAL50/PAL60/NTSC/480p) G2dPm}s ZG 2 Disc Games (Original or backup from DVD only) nH}V:C Disc ripping to SD/SDHC (7C$'T-ZK Full cheats database support (SD/SDHC/DVD/WODE) @GWlo\rM6^ IPL configuring TPA*z9n+B Disc/ISO analysis [M2xF<r6t |F +n7
在网上看见的 不能全信 也不能不信的消息 _LFABG= i8!err._ 消息来源: XZ"oOE0= TMD*-wYr 其一:http://emukidid.blogspot.com/ 需要代理 D^S"6v"z (@NW2 其二:http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=209922 c1xX)cF }Xb|Ur43 其二的翻译:http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgbatemp.net%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D209922&hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF8&sl=en&tl=zh-CN