A required file(s) was missing 一个必要的文件(或多个)丢失
The selfbooting image creator made by LyingWake 本直读镜象软件由LyingWake制作.
Create Nero and DiscJuggler images. 创建一个Nero(刻录软件名)或Discjuggler(刻录软件名)镜象
There is also a CDRecord GUI that only consists of one step.
You can even burn a DiscJuggler image with CDRecord. 你也能用DiscJuggler镜象刻录光盘(CDR)
lyingwake@gmail.com 这个不用翻了吧?不然地址不对了。。。
There was an error creating the ISO image. 制作ISO镜象过程中出现错误
There was an error creating the DiscJuggler image. 制作ISO镜象过程中出现错误
There was an error creating the Nero DAO image 制作Nero 光盘一次刻录(Dao)镜象过程中出现错误
There was an error creating the Nero TAO image 制作Nero 轨道一次刻录(Tao)镜象过程中出现错误
There was an error creating the ISO header image.
There was an error getting the msinfo number. 一个(什么什么)读取错误
Do you want to read what CDRecord said? 你想知道光盘上写些什么吗?
tools/Cdrecord: I/O error. test unit ready: scsi sendcmd:
retryable error Please insert a CD and try again. 可重试错误,请放入一张光盘,然后重试
tools/Cdrecord: I/O error. read toc: scsi sendcmd:retryable error
There was an error getting the msinfo of the disc, but it could be the result of using a blank disc. Would you like to burn as if the disc is blank? 光盘(什么什么)读取错误,可能是因为光盘为空。源盘为空,你是否想继续刻录?
Note that the disc can be ruined if it is not blank. 注意,如果不是空白光盘有可能被毁坏
This looks to be an ELF file.这也许是一个ELF文件。
Would you like to convert it to a scrambled BIN was detected as unscrambled. 此文件为不可整理文件,你是否想继续尝试将其合成为可整理文件?
If you create an image with an unscrambled file, your image will not work.如果你的镜象含有不可整理文件,将可能不可运行
Would you like to scramble 你是否想整理
1st_read.bin was detected as unscrambled. 1st_read.bin发现一个不可整理
If you create an image with 1st_read.bin 如果你创建一个带1st_read.bin的镜象
IP.BIN created with BootDreams ip.bin被BootDreams创建
It appears that there was a problem locating a CD drive onyour computer 发现你的电脑光驱定位有问题