主题 : 【求助】关于FXP的问题,大家帮忙来看一下
级别: 论坛版主
UID: 66
精华: 1
发帖: 6474
威望: 14 星
金钱: 30509 浮游币
贡献值: 8777 点
好评度: 8223 点
人气: 1090 点
在线时间: 1409(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-25
最后登录: 2024-11-12
楼主  发表于: 2005-05-15 13:54



[13:43:56] WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004
[13:43:59] [L] Connecting to Chinaemu High -> IP= PORT=35678
[13:43:59] [L] Connected to Chinaemu High
[13:43:59] [L] 220-This server is for private use only
[13:43:59] [L] 220-If you do not have access to this server
[13:43:59] [L] 220-Please disconnect now
[13:44:00] [L] 220 Please enter your login name now.
[13:44:00] [L] USER ce2_Zombie_WB
[13:44:00] [L] 331 Password required for ce2_Zombie_WB .
[13:44:00] [L] PASS (hidden)
[13:44:00] [L] 230-Welcome to ChinaEmuCN FTP server
[13:44:00] [L] 230-
[13:44:00] [L] 230-Current Time : 2005/05/15 13:44 , Total 24 connected users out of 200
[13:44:00] [L] 230-User ce2_Zombie_WB (                 ) Group ce-hig logged in from
[13:44:00] [L] 230-You are under /
[13:44:00] [L] 230-The server will deny access if you connect more than Unlimited time.
[13:44:00] [L] 230-Type site help for a list of supported commands
[13:44:00] [L] 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------:
[13:44:00] [L] 230-.All time top 10 uploaders
[13:44:00] [L] 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------:
[13:44:00] [L] 230-.Rank Username   Group     Comment             uploaded mb
[13:44:00] [L] 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------:
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 01 sfhzcg   admin     NOT SET             244.17 gb     |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 02 ce2_橙子   ce-vip                     29.43 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 03 ce2_HHY   ce-mid                     5.65 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 04 ce2_Zombie_WB ce-hig                     5.43 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 05 ce1_柴科夫斯基 ce-pub                     4.63 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 06 ce2_sakuraniu ce-hig                     3.91 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 07 ameaya   adm-iso   NOT SET             2.97 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 08 ce2_nightring ce-hig                     2.51 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 09 Dark_Angel admin                     2.38 gb       |
[13:44:00] [L] 230-| 10 ce1_gakaki ce-pub                     1.90 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.----+----------------------------------------------------------------:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.All time top 10 downloaders
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.Rank Username   Group     Comment             downloaded mb
[13:44:01] [L] 230-:----+----------+----------+------------------------------------------:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 01 ce2_橙子   ce-vip                     16.64 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 02 ce1_CNSYWJ ce-pub                     11.67 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 03 ce2_cbboss2002 ce-mid                     10.66 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 04 ce1_werer123 ce-pub                     9.05 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 05 ce2_Zombie_WB ce-hig                     8.86 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 06 Dark_Angel admin                     7.55 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 07 ce2_YZB   ce-mid                     7.51 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 08 ce1_zephanic ce-pub                     7.08 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 09 ce1_amd的狗腿 ce-pub                     6.55 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-| 10 ce2_eastpig ce-mid                     6.31 gb       |
[13:44:01] [L] 230-:---------------------------------------------------------------------:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' username   : ce2_Zombie_WB                           -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-'   group   : ce-hig                               -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-'   class   : guest                               -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-'   ratio   : unlimited                             -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' comment   :                                   -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-'   status   : enabled                               -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-'   laston   : 2005/05/15 13:44 (1116028056.690)             -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' created   : -                                   -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' session download   :     0.000000 kb                 -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' session uploaded   :     0.000000 kb                 -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' total download   :         8.86 gb                 -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' total uploaded   :         5.43 gb                 -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' available credit   :         maximum                 -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' timeout value     :     600 seconds                 -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-' speed limit     : (dl)no limit       (ul)no limit       -:
[13:44:01] [L] 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------:
[13:44:01] [L] 230 User ce2_Zombie_WB logged in.
[13:44:01] [L] SYST
[13:44:01] [L] 215 UNIX Type: L8 , CP:936
[13:44:01] [L] FEAT
[13:44:01] [L] 211-Extensions supported:
[13:44:01] [L] SIZE
[13:44:01] [L] MDTM
[13:44:01] [L] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS filename
[13:44:01] [L] LIST -laT
[13:44:01] [L] STAT -laT
[13:44:01] [L] MLST type*;lang*;size*;modify*;create*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.group*;
[13:44:01] [L] MLSD
[13:44:01] [L] REST STREAM
[13:44:02] [L] XCRC filename;start;end
[13:44:02] [L] XMD5 filename;start;end
[13:44:02] [L] TVFS
[13:44:02] [L] CLNT client_type
[13:44:02] [L] UTF8
[13:44:02] [L] 211 END
[13:44:02] [L] CLNT FlashFXP 3.0.1015
[13:44:02] [L] 213 client type set to FlashFXP 3.0.1015.
[13:44:02] [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21
[13:44:02] [R] Connected to
[13:44:02] [R] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v5.2 for WinSock ready...
[13:44:03] [R] USER u
[13:44:03] [R] 331 User name okay, need password.
[13:44:03] [R] PASS (hidden)
[13:44:03] [R] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[13:44:03] [R] SYST
[13:44:03] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:44:03] [R] FEAT
[13:44:03] [R] 211-Extension supported
[13:44:04] [R] CLNT
[13:44:04] [R] MDTM
[13:44:04] [R] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[13:44:04] [R] SIZE
[13:44:04] [R] REST STREAM
[13:44:04] [R] XCRC filename;start;end
[13:44:04] [R] MODE Z
[13:44:04] [R] 211 End
[13:44:04] [R] CLNT FlashFXP 3.0.1015
[13:44:04] [R] 200 Noted.
[13:44:04] [R] CWD /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/
[13:44:04] [R] 250 Directory changed to /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx
[13:44:04] [R] PWD
[13:44:04] [R] 257 "/Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx" is current directory.
[13:44:04] [R] TYPE A
[13:44:05] [R] 200 Type set to A.
[13:44:05] [R] PASV
[13:44:05] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,186,85,24,16,68)
[13:44:05] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 4164
[13:44:05] [R] LIST -al
[13:44:05] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:44:06] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:44:06] [R] List Complete: 678 bytes in 1.36 seconds (0.5 KB/s)
[13:44:06] [L] CWD /[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/
[13:44:06] [L] 250-
[13:44:06] [L] 250-.-------------------------------------------------------------------.
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Race Information for [STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| File(s) : 21
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Size : 296.7MB
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Avg Speed : 5573.0K/sec
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Race Stats...
[13:44:06] [L] 250-+.:MP3 INFO:.--------------------------------------------------------
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Artist:                         Album :
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Genre :                         Year :
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Tracks: 21                       Rate : kbps @ hz
[13:44:06] [L] 250-+.:User Stats:.------------------------------------------------------
[13:44:06] [L] 250-|
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| 1. sfhzcg         21File(s)   296.7MB (100.0%) 5573.0k/s |
[13:44:06] [L] 250-|
[13:44:06] [L] 250-+.:Group Stats:.-----------------------------------------------------
[13:44:06] [L] 250-|
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| 1. admin         21File(s)   296.7MB (100.0%)   5573.0k/s |
[13:44:06] [L] 250-|
[13:44:06] [L] 250-+.:TOTAL:.----------------------------------------------------------.
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| 1 user(s)   1 group(s) 21File(s)   296.7MB (100.0%) 5573.0k/s |
[13:44:06] [L] 250-| Race done in 1m 16s @ 3997.0K/sec                       |
[13:44:06] [L] 250-`-------------------------------------------------------------------'
[13:44:06] [L] 250-
[13:44:06] [L] 250-[Ul: 5555.34MB] [Dl: 9075.93MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 42116MB]
[13:44:06] [L] 250-[Credits: UnlimitedMB] [Ratio: Unlimited]
[13:44:06] [L] 250 "/[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx" is current directory.
[13:44:06] [L] PWD
[13:44:06] [L] 257 "/[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx" is current directory
[13:44:06] [L] TYPE A
[13:44:07] [L] 200 Type set to ASCII.
[13:44:07] [L] PASV
[13:44:07] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (219,147,200,181,42,250)
[13:44:07] [L] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 11002
[13:44:07] [L] LIST -al
[13:44:07] [L] 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx.
[13:44:08] [L] 226-free disk space under this directory : 42116 mb
[13:44:08] [L] 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed .
[13:44:08] [L] List Complete: 1 KB in 1.39 seconds (1.4 KB/s)
[13:44:08] [L] PASV
[13:44:08] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (219,147,200,181,42,250)
[13:44:08] [R] PORT 219,147,200,181,42,250
[13:44:08] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:44:08] [R] STOR check.sfv
[13:44:08] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for check.sfv.
[13:44:08] [L] RETR check.sfv
[13:44:27] [L] 426 Connection closed , transfer aborted (transfer failed).(no data connection)
[13:44:27] [L] ABOR
[13:44:28] [L] 226 Abort successful.
[13:44:28] [R] ABOR
[13:44:29] [L] 226 Abort successful.
[13:44:29] [R] 426 Data connection closed, receive file check.sfv aborted.
[13:44:29] [R] 226 ABOR command successful.
[13:44:29] [R] Transfer Failed!
[13:44:29] [L] CWD /[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK)/
[13:44:29] [L] 250-[Ul: 5555.34MB] [Dl: 9075.93MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 42115MB]
[13:44:29] [L] 250-[Credits: UnlimitedMB] [Ratio: Unlimited]
[13:44:29] [L] 250 "/[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK)" is current directory.
[13:44:29] [L] PWD
[13:44:30] [L] 257 "/[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK)" is current directory
[13:44:30] [L] PASV
[13:44:30] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (219,147,200,181,42,251)
[13:44:30] [L] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 11003
[13:44:30] [L] LIST -al
[13:44:30] [L] 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK).
[13:44:30] [L] 226-free disk space under this directory : 42115 mb
[13:44:30] [L] 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed .
[13:44:31] [L] List Complete: 113 bytes in 1.16 seconds (0.1 KB/s)
[13:44:31] [R] MKD /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK)
[13:44:31] [R] 550 /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK): failed to create.
[13:44:31] [R] CWD /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK)
[13:44:31] [R] 250 Directory changed to /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK)
[13:44:31] [R] PWD
[13:44:31] [R] 257 "/Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/[ChinaEmu]---(296.7M-21F-100 )-(All-file-CRC-OK)" is current directory.
[13:44:31] [R] PASV
[13:44:32] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,186,85,24,16,69)
[13:44:32] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 4165
[13:44:32] [R] LIST -al
[13:44:32] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:44:32] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:44:32] [R] List Complete: 113 bytes in 1.28 seconds (0.1 KB/s)
[13:44:33] [R] CWD /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/
[13:44:33] [R] 250 Directory changed to /Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx
[13:44:33] [R] PWD
[13:44:33] [R] 257 "/Downloads/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx" is current directory.
[13:44:33] [R] PASV
[13:44:33] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,186,85,24,16,70)
[13:44:33] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 4166
[13:44:33] [R] LIST -al
[13:44:34] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[13:44:34] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[13:44:34] [R] List Complete: 678 bytes in 1.28 seconds (0.5 KB/s)
[13:44:34] [L] CWD /[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx/
[13:44:34] [L] 250-
[13:44:34] [L] 250-.-------------------------------------------------------------------.
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| Race Information for [STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| File(s) : 21
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| Size : 296.7MB
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| Avg Speed : 5573.0K/sec
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| Race Stats...
[13:44:34] [L] 250-+.:MP3 INFO:.--------------------------------------------------------
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| Artist:                         Album :
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| Genre :                         Year :
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| Tracks: 21                       Rate : kbps @ hz
[13:44:34] [L] 250-+.:User Stats:.------------------------------------------------------
[13:44:34] [L] 250-|
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| 1. sfhzcg         21File(s)   296.7MB (100.0%) 5573.0k/s |
[13:44:34] [L] 250-|
[13:44:34] [L] 250-+.:Group Stats:.-----------------------------------------------------
[13:44:34] [L] 250-|
[13:44:34] [L] 250-| 1. admin         21File(s)   296.7MB (100.0%)   5573.0k/s |
[13:44:34] [L] 250-|
[13:44:34] [L] 250-+.:TOTAL:.----------------------------------------------------------.
[13:44:35] [L] 250-| 1 user(s)   1 group(s) 21File(s)   296.7MB (100.0%) 5573.0k/s |
[13:44:35] [L] 250-| Race done in 1m 16s @ 3997.0K/sec                       |
[13:44:35] [L] 250-`-------------------------------------------------------------------'
[13:44:35] [L] 250-
[13:44:35] [L] 250-[Ul: 5555.34MB] [Dl: 9075.93MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 42115MB]
[13:44:35] [L] 250-[Credits: UnlimitedMB] [Ratio: Unlimited]
[13:44:35] [L] 250 "/[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx" is current directory.
[13:44:35] [L] PWD
[13:44:35] [L] 257 "/[B4]ISO-2/+++PS+++/+++JAP+++/[STG]Ein_Hander_断臂_by_wanyangx" is current directory
[13:44:35] [L] List (cached)
[13:44:35] [L] List Complete: 1 KB in 0.34 seconds (5.6 KB/s)
[13:44:35] [L] TYPE I
[13:44:35] [L] 200 Type set to IMAGE.
[13:44:35] [R] TYPE I
[13:44:35] [R] 200 Type set to I.
[13:44:36] [L] PASV
[13:44:36] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (219,147,200,181,42,252)
[13:44:36] [R] PORT 219,147,200,181,42,252
[13:44:36] [R] 200 PORT Command successful.
[13:44:36] [R] STOR .crc
[13:44:36] [R] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for .crc.
[13:44:36] [L] RETR .crc
[13:44:41] [L] ABOR
[13:44:41] [R] QUIT
[13:44:41] [R] 221 Goodbye!
[13:44:41] [R] Logged off:
[13:44:42] [L] QUIT
[13:44:42] [L] Logged off: Chinaemu High
[13:44:43] [R] Transfer Failed!
[13:44:43] 2 Files failed to transfer
[13:44:43] User Aborted
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 20149
精华: 1
发帖: 1140
威望: 1 星
金钱: 2625 浮游币
贡献值: 805 点
好评度: 0 点
人气: 0 点
在线时间: 151(时)
注册时间: 2005-04-02
最后登录: 2005-07-21
沙发  发表于: 2005-05-15 17:36


