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UID: 1
精华: 1
发帖: 2660
威望: 21 星
金钱: 569237 浮游币
贡献值: 8957 点
好评度: 4512 点
人气: 704 点
在线时间: 591(时)
注册时间: 2004-03-24
最后登录: 2024-11-07
楼主  发表于: 2005-12-07 11:57


new links  

GNUS roms - 100 Latest GBAroms + Patches + Boxart packs. Surprisingly it is all free and with NO-registration!

TG Bus / GBGBA.com - Slow Slow server but you can use download managers / accelerators like FlashGet to speed up the downloads. Has the latest rom and emulation files. Be patient with this one :)
Nintendo-DS-Roms.com - (Note: You need eMule to download) NDS Roms, full RomSet, GST, Demos and Nukes.

CoolRom.com - Guaranteed Downloads of Gameboy Color GBC roms Atari 2600 CPS1 & 2, Namco System 22, Neo Geo Pocket NES, SNES roms, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis CD and Saturn Games.
NOTE : Other Downloads take you to forced voting for TopSites so there are no GBA roms at this time.

EuroEmu.net - Large collection of roms for all consoles from ATARI to Vecterex. Includes Nintendo GBC GB N64 ...
NOTE: Loads of Pop-Ups andmay even try to install IE Toolbar that you should refuse!
GBA-ROM.com - concentrates on TOP Downloads instead of serving the latest roms. Has a nice simple design.

Gameboy Multicarts - Cartridges with compilation of GBA and NES roms . Up to 250 games on one cart!
(NOTE: These cartridges are Read Only and can not be erased like gba flash cards. Use them on GBA, SP or NDS)

FrozenRoms - German & English Romsite that has the newest GBA and now also Nintendo DS nds roms. Download speed above 100 kb/s. [Scroll Down and click on Enter Design to access the site]

EmuParadise - lot of gba, n64 and other roms and has some psx isos too. Click on File 01 ...
NOTE: Username: emuparadise Password: gimmedownload

RomReactor.net - [Warning: Site has PORN Pop-Ups. Click on [x] to close them]
German site with Loads of roms for all popular & classic consoles. No registration needed!

Shamanking-tr.tk - Login required. DownLoad Files > Roms > Enter > and in the window that pops up GBA.

Poke-Amph.com - Pokemon Roms for GB Advance.

Emultra.com - You must register & login to download - Collection of GBA Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Megaman, Mario Advance and some more classic games for Game Boy Advance, Gameboyoriginal, SNES, NES, Sega Genesis ...

DownloadNation.co.uk - Some Pop-ups and Download may be blocked by WinXP SP2 - Right click on the IE Information Bar and select Download File...

NintenDUMPS.net - if you are Logged in you have access to downloading all USA GBA roms, and NDS roms, as well as
saves and screenshots. 1 download a day for regular registered members. Forum, News and user comments.

ChinaEmu.org - Slow server in china that has the latest Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance files. Download links are located on each rom page just above the Google search. (you don't have to search - just click on the link above it)

Doulie-DBZ.tk - Dragonball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh gba roms.

GamezoneX.org - Registration.[Now redirecting to EmuWizards and leeching from all over the place] Download wide selection of games for various video game consoles. Look for the updates as some of the older links are broken.

ShadyRoms.com - Has got all the GBA roms back online. Downloads are now absolutely free, but you need to register that's all. Shady also has Nintendo DS (NDS roms), SNES, NES GBC online. Updated and easy to download.

EmuSUN.net - EmuSUN - SuperSlow Downloads from their anonymous FTP server. (Click on the game title)

EmulatorWorld.com - Freeware rom files & Emulators for various consoles. Voting is NOT mandatory.

A2Bcheats.com - Cheat codes and Top 20 Gameboy Advance Roms Downloads right on the first page.

Saiyan Unlimited.net - DBZ website with GBA DragonBall Z Roms - Supersonic Warriors, The Collectible Card Game, The Legacy Of Goku 2, Buus Fury and DBZ Taiketsu.

CyberGamez.us - Some GBA romz + a large collection of Flash-based games playable online, including arcade classics such as Sonic, Pacman, and Zelda. [Note: looks like GB games have been removed?!]


Full romsets for GBx (Gameboy & GBC) NES, SNES, N64, and other consoles (No Commercial GBA Games)
NOTE: Compressed with 7z so you need 7-Zip to open the archived files.


Not only trainer, but also the Latest up-to-date GBA ROMs and the complete NES set. Registration required
(Adv. Limited to 5 files a day) Patch your roms with a trainer to access Cheats, Infinite lives, Secret wepons etc. .

  GRN.dl.am - scroll down and click ENTER at the bottom of the page (page has POP-UPs)  

GBA Rom News site- Game rom archiv. with a full list of games for download. GRN New Roms
Files are [.zip -> .rar -> .gba] so unzip - unrur and play on the emulator or Gameboy flash card.(tnx, ejx)

  ChinaGBA.com/gba-roms Latest GBA roms Software and Tools from ChinaGBA - all in chinese - Have to sign up to the forum to download and it is SLOW

NintendoChile.com NES and GBAdvance - some downloads work some don't but they have screenshots of the roms

perso.club-internet.fr/roml/gba.htm some good old gb advance roms - not too many but working downloads

LastEnd.com - RomShare Network with files for Nintendo GBA Game Boy NES SNES Nintendo64 GameCube PlayStation PS2 Game Gear Sega Genesis Atari MAME NeoGeo Pocket Neo-Geo Spectrum Amiga.
NOTE: To download romz files you will need to turn off your popup blocker

emulatronia.com/raritu/raritu-gb.htm GB roms - hacked versions of Zelda (Link gets laid) Mario - Sonic Power Quest - Basta Move - etc

nintendochile.host.sk gba rom file archive with games like Dragonball Z The Legacy of Goku, Pokemon Ruby and more. Another page from Chile (some rom links are broken but 007 Nightfire & GBA Driver 2 works!)

RinConsolero.com - Spanish site with good old games from the 1st year of advance - all the links work.
Planet Roms - Game Boy Games A-Z as wella s files for NES, Super Nintendo, Atari 2600, Commodore, Game Boy Color and NeoGeo CD.

Pokemon Fan_25 Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Red emulator roms

  The Old Computer Dot Com  

Nintendo 8-bit conslone NES A-L : M-Z and Japanese games + Turbo Graphx 16 and more.  


The server is a little slow but you can get LOADS of great roms from here! - Atari Lynx - Bandai WonderSwan - Bandai WonderSwan Color - Neo-Geo Pocket - Nintendo GameBoy - Nintendo GameBoy Advance - Nintendo GameBoy Color - Sega GameGear and many many more. If you wonder why the name sounds familiar than know that this is the new server of the well known emu-russia.km.ru P.S. All ROMs are renamed according to Good ###
[ Thanks for the link go to Virtual Sniper ]  

  Recycle Bin :: Sites that have been closed but lets hope will be re-open  

Deletion Candidates*
(will be moved to NonWorking webs list if down during next update)
List of Non-WROKING websites can be found here.
Maybe some of the ddls are back up so if you have time can heck it.

Gba.xhost.ro - Latest 100 plus GBA Roms and they ar free without registration or any BS. [thanks Andrew!]
Rom-Source.com - Forum with romz. Need to register for downloading. Latest Submissions.
Turbo-Anime.de - German site with most anime gameboy advance roms (Look uder Downloads -> Gamez and Romz)
Rom-Paradise.de - [lots of Topsite on the index page - scroll down and click ENTER at the bottom]
German website on a fast server with ~70 best / most popular game files for dwl.
GBAdrome.tk - [Closing Down?] 10 Latest ROMs always available! Latest Emulators. Nicest VisualBoy Advance Skins! 24/7 Support on the forum for all your ROM needs! (Have to Register in order to downoad)
DutchGBA.nl - [DOWN] quick register to access - use any fake e-mail. Romz arranged A to Z not according to the release list. Can use our user/pass both of them = gbaroms
NintendoPocket.net - is your relyable sorce of EUR eMule / ED2k LINKS. Website is all in SPANISH but European games come in multilaguage form with English / French and German traslation as default. Look under [Roms-Emus].
EmulationGlaxy.info - [Now only forum] BitTorrent links for those who have Torrent client.
SeansEmu.com - (Romlinks go to TopSites) GameBoy Color, GBA, NES, SuperNintedo and even Virtual Boy roms.
WhiteWings [Loads of annoying Pop-Unders]
Collection of Gba Genesis Nes Sega SNES rom-download links. Only logged in users are able to download.
Taco Bell Alliance - MOST linx broken. No Tacos on this site but if you are hungry got roms - get ready to be served!
Evolved-Gaming.com - Nearly all 8GB of gba roms. Registration necesary for downloading - but it is free.
Roms-Underworld - Official site of the undernet #Roms IRC channel but what we are especially happy to see are the 5 latest gba roms available to download without any registration. Java games available for playing On-Line.
AG 100.net - no bandwidth limits, top speeds above 100kb/s, no need to register, many RPG gba roms! Be ware of some naked Manga Anime Hentai babes that are present on this site - or maybe you will like them..
Gamers-Tavern for thouse who are still interested in SNES, NES & GB COLOR roms .Selection of finest games.
goldensun.50g.com/roms.htm Download GBA Golden Sun rom 1,2 English, French, Italian. If the English Golden Sun 2 doesn't work try downloading Visual Boy Advance V 1.4 if you have a lower version or other emulator.
PokemonNetX - most up to date Pokemon roms. Although... Not that hard to be up to date with that sorta rom though =D... High download speed though 60-70kB/s... Has a few guides. Thanks Trinexx.
Xeroe.com - none of the latest game files + no best of freeware pd roms and some erotic sideshows for gameboy.
Anime Media Center - anime website that has almost all the anime ROMs out there From DBZ to Pokemon to YuGiOh.
RomsDomain - Around 60 most popular Gameboy Advance Roms. From Advance Wars to X-Men and Yu-Gi-Oh.


  Emuvortex.net (All Downloads Offline) Please FIX our link!  

Register to gain access to GBA, GBC, DS ROMs in the downloads section. Posting in forum is not required.
Soon to come Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 games.

级别: 论坛版主
UID: 50665
精华: 7
发帖: 2924
威望: 13 星
金钱: 385657 浮游币
贡献值: 8748 点
好评度: 10293 点
人气: 760 点
在线时间: 697(时)
注册时间: 2005-08-02
最后登录: 2020-12-17
沙发  发表于: 2005-12-07 13:14

造就了YKSOFT Systems