主题 : I am the Wind
级别: 模拟之星
UID: 33131
精华: 0
发帖: 294
威望: 2 星
金钱: 3132 浮游币
贡献值: 29 点
好评度: 248 点
人气: 8 点
在线时间: 57(时)
注册时间: 2005-06-05
最后登录: 2024-08-06
楼主  发表于: 2006-03-02 22:29

I am the Wind

Just like the wind
I've always been
drifting high up in a sky
that never ends
happy new year!
级别: 论坛版主
UID: 50665
精华: 7
发帖: 2924
威望: 13 星
金钱: 385657 浮游币
贡献值: 8748 点
好评度: 10293 点
人气: 760 点
在线时间: 697(时)
注册时间: 2005-08-02
最后登录: 2020-12-17
沙发  发表于: 2006-03-03 12:52

   Just like the wind
   I've always been
  diftin' high up in a sky that never ends
   Through thick and thin
   I always win
  'Cause I will fight both life and death to save a friend
   I face my destiny
   everyday I live
   And the best to me
   is all I have to give
   Just like the sun
   When my day's done
  sometimes I don't like the person ,I've become is the enemy
   Within or a thousand men
   should I walk the path
   of my worse or better half
   Is someone testing me
   everyday I live
   Well,the best in me
   is all I have to give
   I can't pretend
   I am the wind
  And I don't know if I will pass this way again
   All things must end
   Good-bye my friend
  Think of me when you see the sun or feel the wind
   I am the wind, I am the sun
   And one day we'll all be one
   I am the wind ,I am the sun
   And one day we'll all be one

[ 此贴被yksoft1在2006-03-03 13:22重新编辑 ]
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