Do not think this game is an adult game , it's just sexy...and of course , rated as
M ( MATURE - 17+ ).
Screenshots : Click on images to enlarge 

Intro : 复制代码-
Info : Name : Duke Nukem Land of the babes
Developer : N-Space
Publisher : Atari
Language : English
Genre : TBS
Date : 04/06/01
Player : 1

Animated Blood and Gore,
Animated Violence,
Strong Sexual Content
Emulation : 引用
ePSXe : Works fine , when swimming I think it's a little slow.
pSX emulator : haven't tested .
Reviews : ( From GameFAQ - thanks to
Ido Skira )
"The Duke is back to kick some alien ass, and to rescue some babes in distress!"
Duke is back for another round against aliens that threaten to eliminate human kind. This time though, Duke travels to the future after being called upon for help by a babe that traveled back through time to seek him.
Story: 8/10
Duke is relaxing in a bar when suddenly a wormhole opens and a babe from the future comes out of it. She asks Duke to help her and her fellow babes to fight against the evil aliens that invaded earth and killed all the men in the future. A few aliens followed the babe and after traveling through time, they come out of the wormhole and kill her. Duke quickly kills the aliens and jumps into the wormhole leading to future earth, where he is the only man alive, and all the women are slaves to the aliens. Duke must make his way to the aliens's leader, rescuing babes, trying to eliminate him and the threat he poses to earth.
Graphics : 7/10
The graphics are not the best for a PSX game but you can still make out whatever you need to. Characters and enemies are not very detailed and Duke himself isn't so detailed also. While the rest of Duke's body is somewhat satisfying, Duke's head looks a square, which is really ugly considering the fact the Duke is supposed to be handsome. Most of the environment is not very detailed either, so you will get boring from looking around right from the start. However, effects like electricity, explosions or even dying enemies look really nice. My problem with graphics is that sometimes Duke will stand in a place where the camera has to change its position, and this can make you look through walls and other objects lying around.
Sound\Music: 8/10
The sound effect are quite fitting to the places you will visit. You can hear aliens walk, fire burning, machines working, water flowing and much more that just have to be there to make the game fun. While the sound effects are not that realistic, they do fit the game and the little futuristic environment. The music is also quite good but it can get annoying at times. Since most of the levels are very long, you'll be hearing the same music for a lot of time, and although the music isn't literally bad, it can get on your nerves. Every few levels the soundtrack changes, but most of time the music afterwards is equally annoying. Bottom line: the music is somewhat good but very annoying when it comes to playing through long levels.
Gameplay: 8/10
The gameplay has its downsides. Like I mentioned above, most of the levels are very long, and combining with that music and the sometimes hard to figure out
objectives, you can get turned off very easily. Although being long and tiresome, the levels offer quite a challenge of completing them and finding all the secrets in every one, thus unlocking cheats such as temporary invisibility, double damage, unlimited ammo, and many more. However, trying to achieve these goals can also be tiresome and frustrating, since the levels are long, and many turns lead to dead ends. Aside from being long and sometimes frustrating, some levels are very fun to play while others are completely boring. In one level you can be in outer space, kicking the crap out of stupid aliens that try to get in your way, while in the other you try to fight for your life underwater where your objectives are boring and moving around is hard and complicated. The enemies are also annoying at certain times. Some enemies can be quite hard to kill like the Pigcops while others shouldn't even be in the game like certain apes. Most of time you won't have problems dealing with the enemies though. It's getting through the level without being bored is what the real challenge is.
Other than the regular 1 player story mode, you have the option of getting used to the controls and learning how to play the game in a training mode. In training mode you have an obstacle course, a target range, a swimming pool and a battle simulation. There is also a multiplayer option called "Dukematch", which is another name for deathmatch. In "Dukematch", 2 players try to kill each other scoring frags on the way. The player who reaches the set amount of kills first is the winner.
The controls in this game are quite difficult to master, especially in a middle of a fire fight. You can strafe, run sideways, look around, jump all of which are supposed to help you kill aliens but instead make it harder for you to. While you're trying to switch weapons and strafe at the same time in order to avoid shots fired by your enemies, you're preoccupied with these actions instead of just shooting at your enemy. The game is long enough for you to master these controls and handle Duke effectively though. The camera is positioned well and acts without problems, that way you're free to look around and plan your often needed jumps. Even if you are near a wall the camera will still be positioned behind Duke by making him translucent, letting you see what's going on in front of you, instead of changing position making it hard for you to see what's going on.
Replayability: 7/10
Seeing as how finding every secret in every level by yourself is a long task the replay value should be high, but because levels are long and boring you can quickly lose the will to play. The cheats you unlock are basic stuff you can finish the game without, so that decreases the replay value even more. The
"Dukematch" option however, will keep you coming for as long as you have someone to duke it out with.
I wouldn't suggest buying this game since it's mostly boring, but after you've finished it finding all the secrets and unlocking all the cheats can be another challenge this game can offer. Rent it, and if you feel like you want to unlock all the cheats just for fun, the buy it.
My Reviews : For a TBS game ( Third-Person Shooter ) this game is not very great , it's just cool , and after hours of playing you'll feel kind of boring . But still this game is one of the best PS Duke Nukem games out there ( there are 3 ) . The fun part in the game is there are a lot of babes and you'll need to rescue them . The intro for this game is nice ( as you've watched it above ) , and of course very sexy . As for a guy like Duke Nukem , sexy girls are always around . What you need to know about this game is :
1. Not an adult game , still some nudities ( well a few but a lot of skin )
2. Fun game , worth playing .
3. That's all.
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Have a nice day .
[ 此贴被mtkn在2007-03-09 15:40重新编辑 ]