No no don't let the title fools you , this is not an adult game haa...but prepare for some nudities in the screenshots haha...
Screenshots : ( click on images to enlarge ) 

Movies : SS Intro :
GamePlay :
BossFight :
Info : Name : Sexy Parodius
Developer : Konami ( Wow )
Publisher : Konami
Language : Japanese
Genre : STU ( Shoot them up )
Date : 11/01/96
Player : 1 or 2
Emulation : 引用
ePSXe : Works fine .
pSX emulator : haven't tested .
Reviews : ( From GameFAQ - thanks to
" It Is Perverted, But Fun"
I always wanted to get a Parodius game. I looked for one, but the only one I could find was Sexy Parodius. I did not think that a game with cute penguins and pigs could be very perverted, so I got it. I was very wrong. This game has too many dirty images of girls. Thankfully, they never show any totally nude pictures. Though this game probably could get you in trouble if your parents saw you playing it, its fun, has good graphics, and has multiple paths.
Graphics- 8/10
The graphics in this game are very cartoony. I think that they are some of the best 2D graphics on this system. The sprites are nice and colorful. There is some slowdown when there are lots of things happening on the screen, but it is forgivable. The only other problem with this game is that there are too many girls!
Music- 8/10
The music in the game is pretty good. I would not buy a CD of it, but it is definitely memorable. The music tends to be upbeat and very cheerful.
Sound Effects- 8/10
The sound effects are the typical good Konami effects. The voices are nice and easy to hear. There are no effects that will irritate you.
Story- 7/10
I cannot read Japanese very well, so I do not know the story of this game. I think its something about you going on various missions for your boss, who is an octopus with a mustache. It is very strange.
Challenge- 7/10
One part of this game that is kind of challenging is trying to complete the goals on some of the levels. They are hard to beat if you play nicely, but if you cheat and continue many times so that you can beat the goal, it is very easy. The only other challenging part of this game is trying to get to all of the different levels since there are multiple paths. The actual fighting in the game is easy since you have unlimited continues.
Control- 8/10
The control in this game is very good. It is very responsive. If I did lose in the game, it was not the control's fault.
Fun- 10/10
While this game is pretty good when you play it alone, it is very good when you play the two player mode. Its fun to try and beat the game as many times as you can so that you can see all of the different stages. Even though the game will be repetitive after a while, it is still very interesting to watch.
Overall- 8/10
If you can tolerate all of the perverted stuff and can play Japanese games, you should try this great game.
My Reviews : The above review is too good . I don't have anything to say ...
Conclusion :
Should play this game , perverted ones...haa...
Download Uploaded to FTP by LPX( who's this guy anyway ?... ) Have a nice day .
PS : pjj , small pictures for you hohho~
[ 此贴被mtkn在2007-03-02 22:54重新编辑 ]