Ö÷Ìâ : ¡¾×ªÌù¡¿ÖªµÀΪʲô3.71M33³Ù³Ù²»À´Âð£¿ÌýDark_AlexÀ´½âÊÍ
¼¶±ð: ÂÛ̳°æÖ÷
UID: 71886
¾«»ª: 1
·¢Ìû: 3124
ÍþÍû: 51 ÐÇ
½ðÇ®: 234050 ¸¡ÓαÒ
¹±Ï×Öµ: 9003 µã
ºÃÆÀ¶È: 11369 µã
ÈËÆø: 2201 µã
ÔÚÏßʱ¼ä: 2352(ʱ)
×¢²áʱ¼ä: 2005-10-13
×îºóµÇ¼: 2014-09-25
Â¥Ö÷  ·¢±íÓÚ: 2007-09-17 12:01


Thanks to the leaker of the OE code, Sony has done several changes in the loadcore module (the most important that OE/M33 patches), and done some attacks against the OE/M33 core, such as the change of the nids that they use.

They never changed things this much before until now, just after they got the leaked source. Congratulations again to the leaker, for causing problems to the scene.




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